Re: Plotting vector-valued functions
- To:
- Subject: [mg10550] Re: Plotting vector-valued functions
- From: Allan Hayes <>
- Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 16:53:54 -0500
- References: <69na52$>
Malcolm Boshier wrote: > > I have a problem which is related to the recent thread about > plotting lists of functions. In the case when a vector-valued function > is expensive or impossible to Evaluate before plotting, Plot apparently > forces you to evaluate the function repeatedly at each value of the > independent parameter. This can be very inefficient. > As an example, suppose that f[z] returns the eigenvalues of a 5 x 5 > matrix which is a function of z. In general this function cannot be > evaluated without a value for z, so > Plot[ Evaluate[f[z]], {z, zmin, zmax}] doesn't work. > The only way around this that I have found is something like: > > Plot[{f[z][[1]], f[z][[2]], f[z][[3]], f[z][[4]], f[z][[5]]}, {z, zmin, > zmax}] > > which of course requires 5 evaluations of f[z] for each value of z. > It seems that unless the head of the first argument to Plot is List, > Plot assumes that it will evaluate to a real number and returns with an > error if it later finds that it doesn't. Why can't Plot trust the user > long enough to discover that the function will evaluate to a list? > Thanks for any solutions or explanations, Malcolm Malcolm I'll take f[z_] := Chop[Eigenvalues[Table[Sin[(n m)z],{n,5},{m,5}]]] (symmetric matrix, so real eignvalues, but could be spurious small imaginary parts, so use Chop) Following your recipe: Plot[{f[z][[1]],f[z][[2]],f[z][[3]],f[z][[4]],f[z][[5]]}, {z,0,1}]//Timing//First 11.3833 Second One problem is that Plot[{f,g}, {x,xmin, xmax}] seems to compute the lines for f and g separately and then show them together (this is so even if we set PlotDivision -> 1).This means that the adaptive sampling usually chooses different point for the two functions. So remembering everything that was found for f might not help in calculating for g. For example, Plot[{0,Sin[10x]},{x,0,1}, PlotDivision->1] The number of points used for the two lines is Cases[%,ln_Line:> Length@@ln, Infinity] {25,34} Here is a faster way, but it is not adaptive and so gives a poorer plot. Show[Graphics[Line/@ Transpose[Thread/@Table[{z,f[z]}, {z,0.,1., .005}]]], Axes->True]//Timing//First 2.46667 Second But we see that the first plot seems to have lost some features near z = .36. Let's see - Plot[{f[z][[1]],f[z][[2]],f[z][[3]],f[z][[4]],f[z][[5]]}, {z,0,1}, PlotPoints -> 200]//Timing//First 21.6833 Second -- Allan Hayes Training and Consulting Leicester, UK voice: +44 (0)116 271 4198 fax: +44 (0)116 271 8642