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output form

	I have a question related to the output format. Say I have a table like
v={{-16.2791, -84.7242}, {-15.7936, -82.7819}, {-15.308, -80.8396}}

I use the following code to write them into a file called "fileout.dat".

stmp=OpenWrite["fileout.dat",FormatType -> OutputForm];

I got something like
-16.2791    -84.7242

-15.7936    -82.7819

-15.308     -80.8396

with blanck lines between each entry instead of
-16.2791    -84.7242
-15.7936    -82.7819
-15.308     -80.8396

How do I get rid of the blank lines in between? Thanks.


| Chi-hsuan Lai, Dept of Physics * e-mail: !!  

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