MathGroup Archive 1998

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Re: ValueList command

> When I upgraded Mathematica to 3.0, one package (called HIP) stopped
> working. I traced it down to a command used in the package
> 'ValueList'. Unfortunately I don't have the old verion of mathamatica
> and cannot check the package with it. Does anybody know what
> 'ValueList' does? It is not found in the Mathematica book.
> Thanks in advance for the assistance.
> - Hitoshi Yamamoto

ValueList is an internal symbol, and is not intended for direct use.
Packages and programs should not use this symbol, but since a certain
amount of misinformation has been posted about it, I will make a few
comments about it anyway.

ValueList is present in all versions of Mathematica.  With version 3.0
it was moved into System`Private` context, in part to reduce the
chances of confusion in case someone tried to use it.  It should be
possible to get a program that uses this symbol to work in version 3.0
by replacing ValueList with System`Private`ValueList.

There is nothing that can be done with ValueList that cannot be done
with documented functions.  The recommended solution is to use
documented functions.

Dave Withoff
Wolfram Research

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