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Re: I don't understand in Mathematic

alok. menghrajani wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm 16 and I can't understand how I (why me?) found this bug in
> mathematica. It's such a silly thing:
> Solve [x/x+x=1, x] returns x=0 but if x=0 then x/x has no sence!
> Bye, ALok
> (Pls reply to my email:

Its not a bug.  You are missing a pre-calculus course in limits. Perhaps
your high school offers one.  Mathematica incorporates simple limits
automatically in most of its functions.   x/x as x approaches 0 is
indeed 1.  

Also, when solving algebraic equations in Solve, it is customary to use
the == rather than = since you are not attempting to assign the value 1
to some symbol, but are making an expression of equality. -- 
Remove the _nospam_ in the return address to respond.

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