MathGroup Archive 1998

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new kernel for NT

I posted this recently, but have found the answer to my own question and
thought there may be others who want to get this new kernel.  It solved
our problems.
 > We run Mathematica on both Linux and NT machines.  We have some cases
 > where Mathematica fails - "out of memory" - on an NT machine while a
 > same size machine with Linux has no problems.  It fails when NT
 > still thinks it has plenty of virtual memory left. Anyone have any
 > suggestions of how to get around this problem - while still using NT?

>From: "Brett H. Barnhart" <>
>Yes.  It's a bug in MathKernel.exe which causes it to run
>out of resources.  Fortunately, MathKernel.exe is rather
>small and easy to replace.  You can get the replacement

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