MathGroup Archive 1998

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displaying animation grahps in one place

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg13502] displaying animation grahps in one place
  • From: Jordan Milev <jgmilev at>
  • Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 04:33:19 -0400
  • Organization: Amherst College
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Hello!  Is it possible to use the Animate -type of feature of
Mathematica to produce animation without actually displaying all graphs
first?  In other words, mathematica draws the graphs on top of each
other, and then starts looping them, like in Animation mode.

Here's my (unsuccessful) attempt.  I thought the ShowAnimation will just
show one graph with the animation, but it doesn't.

\!\(Clear[a]; \ni\  = \ 1; \n
  Do[{g[i]\  = \
        ContourPlot[util, \ {x, \ 0, \ 1}, \ {y, \ 0, \ 1}, \
          ContourShading\  -> \ False, \ DisplayFunction\  -> \
Identity], \
      \(i++\)}, \ {a, \  .05, \  .95, \  .05}]\n
  anitable\  = \ Table[g[i], \ {i, \ 1\/ .05 - \ 1}]; \n
  ShowAnimation[anitable, \ DisplayFunction\  -> \ $DisplayFunction]\)


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