MathGroup Archive 1998

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FW: dummy indices / variables

  Richard Easther wrote:
| ...... coming up with a method to let Mathematica recognize (and then 
|  simplifications upon) equivalent expressions with dummy indices. |
|  For instance,
|     Sum[f[a],{a,1,m}] + Sum[f[b],{b,1,m}] // FullSimplify |
|  does not recognise that the two sums are identical, and misses what
(to |  a human being, at least!) is a trivial simplification. |
    ( sections deleted )
|  PS If anyone is keeping track, I would add the ability to recognize |
dummy indices to the wish-list for the next version of mathematica! |

Consider the following.




I am not surprised FullSimplify didn't simplify the line above, but the 
expression in Out[3]   is  obviously equivalent to   (  If[Abs[t]<1, 6,

Including a rule under FullSimplify to make the simplification above
would  be equally useful as the simplification on Richard's wish list. 
We could  also sit around for years making a very long list of
simplifications we want  FullSimplify to handle.  Before long the list
of rules used by FullSimplify  would get so long it would run at a
snails pace using even the fastest  workstation.

FullSimplify can take a very long time as it is.  Adding more rules to
the  list will make it take even longer, so Wolfram Research should
carefully  weigh the pros and cons before giving FullSimplify more

Ted Ersek

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