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Re: Uses for Identity[expr]?

In article <6dg5ij$>, wrote:
>I have often wondered what  Identity[expr]  is good for.
>There must be a good reason for having this function. I just can't
> see what it is.  Can someone explain?

Identity is useful as an argument to functionals when users want to pass
a "do nothing" function, commenly exhibited in


Of course, Identity can also be user defined as Function[##].

It is also useful when piping a sequence of pure functions as in


, where the more common version is If[...,f@expr,expr]. The former
construct saves typing if expr is long. In the following example, such
construct avoids inefficiency,


as compared to {f1@expr,expr,f2@expr,expr} where expr is calculated
several times.

The construct Through[{f1,Identity,f2,Identity}[expr]] is often
preferable than {f1@#,#,f2@#,#}&@expr because the latter involves
building a pure function, where the former does not involve such
"extraneous" step.


Sometimes I find Identity a convenient build-in symbol that stands for
the identity element in groups. For example,

whatHappend[groupProduct_]:=If[groupProduct===Identity,"do this","do

Lastly, Identity is good because it is a fundamental function. By having
Identity, programs can reflect mathematics on paper directly.

 "Unix, C, csh, C++, Perl... passing the torch of a brain damaged

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