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RE: Q about NonlinearFit

Sami wrote:
|I need to use NonlinearFit for a set of data. The model is valid when
|each of the 2 parameters (that I need to determine) is not equal to 1
|(indeterminate when parameters = 1). What is the best way to go about
|evaluating the data ?

Does model[para1,para2] approach a value in the limit as (para1->1, 
If this is the case use the value you get in the limit for the case
where  (para1=1) or (para2=1).
Even if the limit is different from different directions you can pick a 
reasonable value for the case where (para1=1) or (para2=1).

A one variable case where the limit exists: Your model is Sin[x]/x.
In this case use    model[x_]:= If[x!=0, Sin[x]/x, 1]. Sin[0]/0 is
Indeterminate, but in the limit it's (1), so it works just fine.

A one variable case where the limit doesn't exist: Your model is (x^x).
You could use     model[x_]:= If[x!=0,  x^x,  1]. This way you get
(0^0)-is Indeterminate, but using (model[0]->1) is as good as anything

Your example involves two parameters, but the above idea might get you 

Ted Ersek

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