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Re: NDSolve and MaxStepSize

> Dear MathGroup users,
> I have found the following naive behavior of NDSolve: 
> In[1] = tmin = 0 ; t0 = 0.2 ; t1 = 0.5 ; tmax = 1 ;
> In[2] = f[t_] = Which[ t < t0 , 0.0 , t <= t1 , 0.5 , t <= tmax , 0  ] ;
> (* f(t) is a step function * )
> In[3] = solution =
>         NDSolve[ { v'[t] == f[t] , v[0] == 0 } , v[t] , {t,tmin,tmax} ,
>              , MaxSteps -> 5000 ] ;
> In[4] = vsol[t_] = v[t] /. solution ;
> vsol(t) is the null function! NDSolve has choosen a maximal step !
> To receive the right answer I have to put  MaxStepSize -> 0.01 :
> In[5] = solution =
>         NDSolve[ { v'[t] == f[t] , v[0] == 0 } , v[t] , {t,tmin,tmax} ,
>                 MaxStepSize -> 0.01 , MaxSteps -> 5000 ] ;
> In[6] = vsol[t_] = v[t] /. solution ;
> How can I convince my matlab engineering environment to use mathematica
> with such a naive behavior?
> See you later.
> Fred Lang.

Here are two possible answers to that question:

1) Find a similar example in which Matlab fails.  It should be very easy
to do that.  This will demonstrate that such behavior is a
characteristic of all numerical algorithms, rather than a problem with

2) Change the default MaxStepSize or MaxRelativeStepSize options in
NDSolve.  Most people are unsurprised when, say, numerical integration
fails for an integrand with a sufficiently sharp feature.  You could
take a poll of the people in your "matlab engineering environment" and
find out how sharp a feature needs to be before they are no longer
disappointed when the algorithm steps over that feature.  Then set
MaxStepSize and/or MaxRelativeStepSize to those values.

Dave Withoff
Wolfram Research

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