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a^n*b^n != (a*b)^n

This is not so much about the Mathematica as a software as about
mathematica as a subject. Mathematica just confirmed it and I am REALLY
puzzled on this one.

I always considered it trivial that a^n*b^n == (a*b)^n when a,b are
complex and n is real. However:

6 == Sqrt[36] == Sqrt[-4*-9] == Sqrt[-4]*Sqrt[-9] == 2i*3i == 6*i^2 ==

Hence 6 == -6


After quite some time, I found the problem to be in the step:

Sqrt[-4*-9] == Sqrt[-4]*Sqrt[-9]

which as Mathematica claims does NOT equal to each other!!!

So generally that would mean: a^n*b^n != (a*b)^n

I tried to go and search for the basic proof of this equality. Obviously
enough I couldn't find any :(
For a, b being real and n being positive integer the equality is
obvious. But for other cases - I don't know how to approach it.

While playing around with different examples I noticed that the above
equality upholds for all the cases except when we have a and b being
negative REAL numbers and n being p/q with q=2k

ANYTHING at all will be greatly appriciated, as I am completely stuck!!!


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