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RE: Matrix Multiplication

Hi Des
There shouldn't be any problem if you are consistent in your
definitions...that is:

B = Array[b,{1,2}]  rather than B = Array[b,{2}]

In the first case A.B will give you the correct 3x2 matrix.


-----Original Message-----
From:	Des Penny [] To:
Sent:	Tuesday, May 05, 1998 2:30 AM
Subject:	[mg12259] Matrix Multiplication

Hi Folks:

I ran into the following little problem that has me puzzled.

I'm trying to multiply a 3x1 matrix and a 1x2 matrix.  I should get a
3x2 matrix, but instead I get an error message:

In: A=Array[a,{3,1}]
Out: {{a[1,1]},{a[2,1]},{a[3,1]}}

In: B=Array[b,{2}]
Out: {b[1],b[2]}

In: A.B
Dot::"dotsh": "Tensors \!\({\({a[\(1, 1\)]}\), \({a[\(2, 1\)]}\),
\({a[\(3, 1\)]}\)}\) and \!\({\(b[1]\), \(b[2]\)}\) have incompatible
Out: {{a[1,1]},{a[2,1]},{a[3,1]}}.{b[1],b[2]}

Of course I can get what I want by:

In: A1=Flatten[A]
Out: {a[1,1],a[2,1],a[3,1]}

In:  Outer[Times, A1, B]
Out: {{a[1,1] b[1],a[1,1] b[2]},{a[2,1] b[1],a[2,1] b[2]},{a[3,1]
b[1],a[3,1] b[2]}}

I don't seem to have trouble with any other dimensions e.g.

In: A=Array[a,{3,2}]
Out: {{a[1,1],a[1,2]},{a[2,1],a[2,2]},{a[3,1],a[3,2]}}

In: B=Array[b,{2,4}]
Out: {{b[1,1],b[1,2],b[1,3],b[1,4]},{b[2,1],b[2,2],b[2,3],b[2,4]}}

In: A.B
Out: {{a[1,1] b[1,1]+a[1,2] b[2,1],a[1,1] b[1,2]+a[1,2] b[2,2],a[1,1]
b[1,3]+a[1,2] b[2,3],a[1,1] b[1,4]+a[1,2] b[2,4]},{a[2,1] b[1,1]+a[2,2]
b[2,1],a[2,1] b[1,2]+a[2,2] b[2,2],a[2,1] b[1,3]+a[2,2] b[2,3],a[2,1]
b[1,4]+a[2,2] b[2,4]},{a[3,1] b[1,1]+a[3,2] b[2,1],a[3,1] b[1,2]+a[3,2]
b[2,2],a[3,1] b[1,3]+a[3,2] b[2,3],a[3,1] b[1,4]+a[3,2] b[2,4]}}

Can anyone explain what's going on?
Thanks for your help.


Des Penny

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