MathGroup Archive 1998

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Re: How Mathematica select one of the roots?

Allan Hayes wrote:
> I have some question about Mathematica 3.0.
> When Mathematica 3.0 calculate
> (-1.)^(1/3)
> it generate complex value result
> 0.5 + 0.8660254037844385*I.
> But when I try to Solve equation
> x^3+1==0
> it generates three different roots.
> So, here is the question:
> "How Mathematica 3.0 select one of the roots in the first example?"

I believe that Mathematica selcts the principal value of a power:

The principal value of z^p   (for non-zero z) is
        Exp[p Log[z]]  
where Log[z] is the "principal logarithm" of z that is   log[Abs[z]] + I
where log is the "ordinary " logarithm of the positaive real number
Abs[z] and Arg[z] is the "principal argument" of z ( ArgTan[x,y]) that
is the angle, a, in the range  (-pi, +pi]  (not including -pi) such
        Exp[I a] = z/Abs[z]

Put another way, for non-zero z,
Log[z] the unique complex number w such that
        Exp[w] = z    and    -pi < Im[w] <= pi and z^a is  Exp[a Log[z]]

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