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RE: Pagination problems Mathem

Getting the page breaks where you want them is much more difficult than
it  should be.

I have a method that has worked for me under Windows 95, and it may work
under a other systems as well.

 - If I want a page break in the middle of some text, I break the text
into  two cells.

 - To insert a page break before or after a cell, I select the cell. 
Then I  select "Show Expression" under Format.  Then the cell looks
something like:

    RowBox[{"x", "==", "4"}]], "Output",

At the end of the above expression add the option PageBreakAbove->True, 
or PageBreakBelow->True.

Then go back to Format and deselect "Show Expression".

Only select "Show Page Breaks" when you need to know where the page
breaks  are.
The editor acts very screwy when page breaks are displayed.

Ted Ersek
|One of our faculty members is trying to create a rather complex
document |in Mathematica 3.0 for Windows 95.  He is having some
problems with |pagination. 3 technical support people in the department
have looked at |the problem with no success.  Here are some of the
problems: |
|1) Page breaks are happening at strange places - leaving him with pages
|that are only 1/2 full.  There's no good reason for it, since the
|contents of the next page is simply text, and there's no reason no to
|break it across a page.
|2) When 'Show Page Breaks' is checked on, he can see Page 1, 2, and
then |it jumps immediately to 5 for the rest of the 5 page document. |
|3) I didn't try this myself, but apparently my colleagues tried
|inserting new page breaks to see what they could force, but this
didn't |help, and then they couldn't remove the page breaks! |
|Has anybody else encountered these problems?  Is there a fix?  Does
|3.0.2 fix them?
|Thanks in advance,
|Arunas Salkauskas
|Department of Mathematics and Statistics University of Calgary |

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