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Re: Solution for a System of ODEs and equations

At 18:11 23-05-98 -0400, Vivek Pai wrote:
>Please help if possible:
>I have the following problem :
>I need to Solve two ordinary differential equations combined with a
>trancedental equation for eg :
>dx/dt = f(x,y); 	(1)
>dy/dt = m g(x,y);	(2)
>m Log(m) = xy;		(3)
>In other words I do not have an explicit expression for 'm' to be
>introduced into equation 2.
>Can Mathematica help me with a simple 3 or 4 line code.
dear Vivek,

your line (3) *can* be written as a explicit function for m:

Solve[m Log[m]==x[t] y[t],m]
{{m -> x[t] y[t] /ProductLog[ x[t] y[t] ]}}

So, you want :

  D[u[t], t] == f[u[t], v[t]],
  D[v[t], t] == g[u[t], v[t]] u[t] v[t]/ProductLog[u[t] v[t]]
    {u[t], v[t]}, t]

This set of coupled differential equations is still mulling after 5
minutes, so I'll just abort it now.
I hope you have more luck & patience with it.

Dr. Wouter L. J. MEEUSSEN

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