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3-D to 2-D slice revisited

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg14198] 3-D to 2-D slice revisited
  • From: Michael Mihalik <mmihalik at>
  • Date: Wed, 7 Oct 1998 03:00:34 -0400
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

I posted a message on here a week or so ago, about taking a slice of a
3-D graph, and then taking only one slice of it and looking at it in
2-D.  I received some replies, but i don't think that they understood
the question, so I will copy down exactly what I have entered

NDSolve[{D[y[x,t],t]== D[y[x,t],x,x]*0.01 - D[y[x,t],x],
y[x,0]==If[x>0,0,1], y[0,t]==1,Derivative[1,0][y][1,t]==0} , y,
{x,0,1}, {t,0,2}]

Plot3D[Evaluate[y[x,t]/.First[%]], {x,0,1}, {t,0,2}, PlotPoints -> 30]

I want to take the graph generated from the above partial differential
equation and view the y-z slice at x = 1.  Could someone please help
me? It would really speed up my research, otherwise I will have to
write a crappy FORTRAN program to do the same thing. P.S., I've already
tried viewing the 3-D plot from just the right angle, but it is not
good enough to interpolate a line and extract certain parameters from
it.  Thank you again.

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