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Re: Inserting/Removing Forced Page Breaks?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg14481] Re: Inserting/Removing Forced Page Breaks?
  • From: "P.J. Hinton" <paulh>
  • Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 20:58:59 -0400
  • Organization: "Wolfram Research, Inc."
  • References: <70k66s$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

On 21 Oct 1998, AES wrote:

> I'd like a fast, simple way to insert or remove forced page breaks in
> Mathematica notebooks (such as used to be available as a menu command
> in v 2.0), without opening the Option Investigator or digging into cell
> options.
> I'm thinking I could do this by redefining one of the cell styles to be
> a "Page Break" style with no content, vanishing height and
> PageBreakBelow->True, so I could just insert or delete a "page break
> cell" in this style anywhere I wanted to force a break..
> Other better ways to do this?
> Thanks -- siegman at

You could create a palette of buttons that turn the option on and off:

(* Here is a button that adds a page break *)

(addpb =ButtonBox[StyleBox["Add page break below",FontFamily ->
        ButtonFunction :> 
          Module[{expr =NotebookRead[SelectedNotebook[]]},
                PageBreakBelow -> True]]] , ButtonEvaluator ->
        Active -> True]) // DisplayForm

(* Here is a button that removes a page break *)

(removepb =
        StyleBox["Remove page break below",FontFamily -> "Helvetica"], 
        ButtonFunction :> 
          Module[{expr =NotebookRead[SelectedNotebook[]]},
                PageBreakBelow -> False]]] , ButtonEvaluator ->
        Active -> True]) // DisplayForm

(* This arranges the buttons in a column *)

(palgrid = GridBox[{{addpb},{removepb}},RowSpacings -> 0])//DisplayForm

Drag select the resulting column of buttons and then click on the front
end menu command sequence 

	File -> Generate Palette from Selection

To use the buttons, select a cell where you want a page break below and
then click on the button.  To remove, select the cell and click on the
other button.

You could take a more sophisticated approach and combine two buttons
into a toggle by adding code to check the current value of the cell
option and then replacing it with its opposite.

Hope that helps.

P.J. Hinton
Mathematica Programming Group           paulh at Wolfram
Research, Inc.        
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed herein are those of the author alone.

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