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Re: Bubble help in palwttes

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg14554] Re: Bubble help in palwttes
  • From: paulh (P.J. Hinton)
  • Date: Fri, 30 Oct 1998 03:07:27 -0500
  • Organization: Wolfram Research, Inc.
  • References: <719dp6$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

In article <719dp6$l9b at>, 75127.1531 at (Warren
Wolfe) writes:

|> I understand that a bubble window should open showing the equivalent
Esc |> keyboard sequence when I rest the mouse cursor over a button in
a |> palette. This  does not work in the Basic Input palette, but it
does in |> some of the others. Is  there a way I can turn this feature
on in the |> palettes where it does not work.  I am using Version 3 on
Windows 95. 
A similar feature exists, but not in the way you describe it.

Some palettes have buttons wherein a mouseover will cause some sort of
note to appear in the status area of the palette's window.  The
BasicTypesetting palette is one example.

Palettes which have buttons that use this feature in some way are:

BasicTypesetting		CompleteCharacters
InternationalCharacters		NotebookLauncher

The effect is created by adding an option to the button's ButtonBox[]
expression.  The option is ButtonNote, and it can be a string of text.

  ButtonNote -> "this button pastes the word \"foo\"",
  Active -> True] // DisplayForm1

P.J. Hinton	
Mathematica Programming Group		paulh at Wolfram Research,
Inc. Disclaimer: Opinions expressed
herein are those of the author alone.

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