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Re: MathLink & Visual Basic 4.0

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg14039] Re: MathLink & Visual Basic 4.0
  • From: kevinl (Kevin Leuthold)
  • Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 03:50:23 -0400
  • Organization: Wolfram Research, Inc.
  • References: <6tp1pv$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


It looks to me that you may be using a Visual Basic example that is
quite old.  The reason it looks this way is that the file mlink32.dll
is the name of the MathLink libraries from Mathematica V2.2.  The name
of the MathLink libraries for Mathematica V3.0 is ml32i1.dll.

If you look in the Mathematica 3.0 distribution, under
AddOns\MathLink\DevelopersKits\Windows\UnsupportedGoodies\vb, you will
find a more recent example of using MathLink through Visual Basic.

Kevin Leuthold
MathLink Group
Wolfram Research

Santiago <309873 at> writes:


>    I'm trying to write a program in Visual Basic 4.0 that uses the
>MathLink comunication protocol with mathematica. First thing I've tried
>is to run the samples in the Mathlink's package, but that's not
>possible because the program cannot open the library (mlink32.dll).

>could you tell me how to open that library? I've checked the
>declarations and it seems to be all right

>        Santiago Martinez
>        309873 at

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