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Re: Greek characters and EPS format

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg14083] Re: Greek characters and EPS format
  • From: buttgereit at (Peter Buttgereit)
  • Date: Tue, 22 Sep 1998 03:25:12 -0400
  • Organization: Dipl.-Sportl. Peter Buttgereit
  • References: <6u204c$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

In article <6u204c$u2 at>, kuska at says...
> Hi Carles,
> my  experience with Corel 8 & Mathematicas fonts is extrem bad.
> At the first look is seems more easy to export Windows meta files from
> Mathematica and read the meta files into Corel Draw.
> Unfortunately Corel Draw show nothing when it reads Mathematica's meta
> files or crashes when the meta file information is copied via
> clipboard.
> The only graphic program that read and show the fonts in Mathematica's
> meta files correctly is the Designer 7 from Micrografx. I assume it is
> a bug in Corel Draw.
> The problem with the import via "PostScript interpreted" is the font
> translation form
> PostScript -> Windows True Type.
> It may be resolved when the Adobe Type Manager is installed and uses the
> Type 1
> PostScript fonts of Mathematica.
> If You don't have the Adobe Type Manager the "clever" Panose Font
> comparsion takes
> place. That works fine for text fonts. For the symbol fonts from
> Mathematica  it produces nonsense. In principal You have in the
> options-tree (the german menu labels are Extras | Optionen | Text |
> Schriften. Sorry we have only an German Corel Draw from the CP-program
> of the Max-Planck Institut and I have no idea how the dutch or englisch
> version is labeled) a button "Panose-Schrift abgleich". If  You press
> the button You get a dialog where
> You can declare exceptions. There You must add Math1 to the missing
> fonts and replace
> it by Math1-Normal, Math1Mono by Math1Mono-Normal ... for all the fonts
> You need.
> Than, hopefully You get the fonts imported. I have seen installations
> where this
> works and I have also seen Corel Draw 8 versions where it fails. Corel
> is working on a bugfix-patch of several MBytes for the international
> versions
> and in some weeks, years or in Corel Draw 9 it will correct  read
>  - windows metafiles (WMF,EMF)
>  - Adobe Illustrator
>  - symbol fonts
> form Mathematica
> Hope that helps
>   Jens
> PS: I recomment Designer 7 & Export/Import of metafiles when You plan to

Hi Jens, hi Carles,
I may discourage you, but Adobe Type Manager didn't help -- I tried. #
Trying to read a wmf saved from within Mathematica with Corel 8 will 
give me "Not enaugh memory" messages for files with less than 8k. Using
the clipboard simply lets Corel crash. # I have converted all
Mathematica fonts to Type 1 fonts, installed them  instead of the ttf
via ATM -- with no success, except that Mathematica  really didn't like
that. I had to manipulate some *.tr files and the  windows registry to
get it work with the Type 1 fonts at all. # You can use Copy
As|Metafile, Paste into Word 97, save the word doc,  re-open the doc,
copy the graphics to the clipboard, paste it into Corel  8 as Metafile
(use Paste As...) -- it sounds funny, but sometimes it  works.
# With Illustrator 7 ("Tryout") I had font problems as well. I get 
bullets instead of Arial Text...
# With eps from Mathematica Styles for Frames and Axes are lost (in my 
experience); if you don't care about that, you can use this format 
together with ghostview.

My "solution" is to get graphics as close to optimal as possible with 
Mathematica, export'em as bmp and do necessary changes with respective 
programs then.

The "graphics situation" with Mathematica on the windows platform is
very  frustrating.

* Anybody out there who can tell good experience about how to get  *
Mathematica graphics exported to a good graphics program and then in  *
good quality to a format suitable for word/w? (*--yeah: "why word, why
ms??" -> You wanna make money? You have to  deliver the format your
market demands.*)

Looking forward to better integration of Mathematica in Windows- cheers,

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