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Re: Eigenvalue Problem

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg16899] Re: [mg16894] Eigenvalue Problem
  • From: Daniel Lichtblau <danl>
  • Date: Tue, 6 Apr 1999 01:27:30 -0400
  • References: <>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Peter Haesser wrote:
> Hello everybody
> I am trying to solve the eigenvalue problem for the following matrix:
> m =     {{10 A, 0, B, 0, 0, 0},
>           {0, -2 A, 0, C, 0, 0},
>           {B, 0, -8 A, 0, C, 0},
>           {0, C, 0, -8 A, 0, B},
>           {0, 0, C, 0, -2 A, 0},
>           {0, 0, 0, B, 0, 10 A}}
> which is symmetric. Now mathematica returns some complex eigenvalues
> which is not
> possible for a real, symmetric matrix. Can anybody help me ? Maybe the
> error occurs because
> mathematica means that the coefficients are complex but how can I make
> them real ?
> Thank's in advance for any help.
>     Peter Huesser

The eigenvalues are symbolic roots of a polynomial. As such they are
neither real nor complex valued unless and until one gives values for
the parameters {A,B,C}. So it is unclear what you mean when you say
Mathematica has returned complex eigenvalues.

One possiblity is that you would prefer a result in terms of Root[]
objects rather than radicals. This may be obtained as follows.

In[8]:= SetOptions[Roots,Quartics->False, Cubics->False];

In[9]:= InputForm[eigs2 = Eigenvalues[m]]

{Root[-160*A^3 - 2*A*B^2 + 10*A*C^2 - 84*A^2*#1 - B^2*#1 - C^2*#1 + #1^3
& ,
  1], Root[-160*A^3 - 2*A*B^2 + 10*A*C^2 - 84*A^2*#1 - B^2*#1 - C^2*#1 +
    #1^3 & , 1], Root[-160*A^3 - 2*A*B^2 + 10*A*C^2 - 84*A^2*#1 - B^2*#1
    C^2*#1 + #1^3 & , 2],
 Root[-160*A^3 - 2*A*B^2 + 10*A*C^2 - 84*A^2*#1 - B^2*#1 - C^2*#1 + #1^3
& ,
  2], Root[-160*A^3 - 2*A*B^2 + 10*A*C^2 - 84*A^2*#1 - B^2*#1 - C^2*#1 +
    #1^3 & , 3], Root[-160*A^3 - 2*A*B^2 + 10*A*C^2 - 84*A^2*#1 - B^2*#1
    C^2*#1 + #1^3 & , 3]}

Daniel Lichtblau
Wolfram Research

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