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Re: Fibonacci [5,000,000] contains 1044938 decimal digits

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg17201] Re: Fibonacci [5,000,000] contains 1044938 decimal digits
  • From: Alex Vinokur <alexander.vinokur at>
  • Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1999 01:20:42 -0400
  • Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion
  • References: <7f4ffu$6dj$> <>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

In article <Mo2OZGACWlF3Ewez at>,
  Sunil Rao <sunil.rao at> wrote:
> Alex Vinokur <alexander.vinokur at> wrote, and I reply...
> >Several large Fibonacci numbers were calculated using only
> >the well-known explicit formula:
> >        Fib (0) = 0, Fib (1) = 1,
> >        Fib (n) = Fib (n-1) + Fib (n-2), n >= 2
> >All the (decimal) digits of these numbers were obtained.
> >
> >It was using the EXPLICIT Fibonacci formula and
> >       computing ALL the large Fibonacci numbers digits
> >that were set as an object.
> >Using just EXPLICIT Fibonacci formula is not an imperative requirement.
> >But to get ALL digits of the large Fibonacci number is very advisable one.
> Can you post your code?


Yes, I can.
Here is one.


=== File #1 of 3 : fib_class_of_alex_vinokur.H ==========
------------------- C++ code : BEGIN --------------------

// ==============================================================
//  Copyright (c) 1999 by Alex Vinokur.  This work and all works
//  derived from it may be copied and modified without any
//  restrictions other than that a copy of this copyright notice
//  must be included in any copy of this work or any derived work.
// ==============================================================
static char id_h[] = "@(#)Author ## "__FILE__" ::: Alex Vinokur";

// ##############################################################
// =============================
//  Very Large Fibonacci Numbers
// =============================
//  FILE : fib_class_of_alex_vinokur.H
//  AUTHOR : Alex Vinokur
//      Template classes :
//         - avDesirableLongInt
//         - avClassTemplateFibonacci
//         - avClassTemplateOneFibonacci
//         - avClassDecUnitFibonacci
//         - avClassDecUnitOneFibonacci
//         - avClassHexUnitFibonacci
//         - avClassHexUnitOneFibonacci
//  DATE           VERSION
//  ----           -------
//  Apr-22-1999    AVF 1.0
// ##############################################################

#ifndef __fib_class_of_alex_vinokur_H
#define __fib_class_of_alex_vinokur_H


#include <assert.h>
#include <string>
#include <strstream>
#include <vector>
#include <iomanip.h>

//##### PART#1 : DEFINES & CONSTANTS ####################

#define MAX_VALUE(x,y)          ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
#define ASSERT(x)               assert (x)

const long unsigned int Max_Unit_Value_CNS      = (ULONG_MAX >> 2);
const unsigned int      INFO_period_CNS         = 10000;
static const string     UNITS_Delimeter_CNS     = "";

//##### PART#2 : DECLARATIONS ###########################

template <unsigned int EXPO, unsigned int UNIT_BASE>
class avDesirableLongInt;

template <unsigned int EXPO, unsigned int UNIT_BASE>
avDesirableLongInt<EXPO, UNIT_BASE> operator+ (
                                const avDesirableLongInt<EXPO, UNIT_BASE>&
                                const avDesirableLongInt<EXPO, UNIT_BASE>&

//##### PART#3 : The avDesirableLongInt class ###########

template <unsigned int EXPO, unsigned int UNIT_BASE>
class avDesirableLongInt

        template <unsigned int EXPO, unsigned int UNIT_BASE>
        friend avDesirableLongInt<EXPO, UNIT_BASE> operator+ (
                                                const avDesirableLongInt<EXPO,
UNIT_BASE>& left_i,
                                                const avDesirableLongInt<EXPO,
UNIT_BASE>& right_i

        private :
                long unsigned int               full_base_;
                vector <long unsigned int>      vector_unit_;

  public :  avDesirableLongInt ();  avDesirableLongInt (long unsigned int
unit_value_i);	avDesirableLongInt (  const avDesirableLongInt<EXPO,
UNIT_BASE>& left_i,  const avDesirableLongInt<EXPO, UNIT_BASE>& right_i  ); 
~avDesirableLongInt () {}  void  set_full_base ();  string  getValueComment
(ios& show_base_i (ios&)) const;  string  getStrValue (ios& show_base_i
(ios&)) const;	string	getAllInfo (ios& show_base_i (ios&)) const;  unsigned
int  getSize (ios& show_base_i (ios&)) const;  static unsigned int  getSize_S
(const string& strValue_i);  unsigned int  getTotalUnits () const {return
vector_unit_.size ();} };

template <unsigned int EXPO, unsigned int UNIT_BASE>
avDesirableLongInt<EXPO, UNIT_BASE> operator+ (
                                const avDesirableLongInt<EXPO, UNIT_BASE>&
                                const avDesirableLongInt<EXPO, UNIT_BASE>&
avDesirableLongInt<EXPO, UNIT_BASE>     ret_avDesirableLongInt_Value;

const long unsigned int max_size_CNS    = MAX_VALUE (
                                                left_i.vector_unit_.size (),
                                                right_i.vector_unit_.size ()
long unsigned cur_big_value;
long unsigned int head = 0;

        for (long unsigned int theIndex = 0; theIndex < max_size_CNS;
                ASSERT (head < Max_Unit_Value_CNS);

                cur_big_value =
                        ((theIndex < left_i.vector_unit_.size ()) ?
                        left_i.vector_unit_ [theIndex] : 0) +

                        ((theIndex < right_i.vector_unit_.size ()) ?
                        right_i.vector_unit_ [theIndex] : 0) +


                ASSERT (ret_avDesirableLongInt_Value.vector_unit_
[ret_avDesirableLongInt_Value.vector_unit_.size () - 1] < left_i.full_base_);

                head = cur_big_value/(left_i.full_base_);

        } // for (long unsigned int theIndex = 0; theIndex < max_size_CNS;

        ASSERT (ret_avDesirableLongInt_Value.vector_unit_.size () ==

        if (head)
                ret_avDesirableLongInt_Value.vector_unit_.push_back (head);

        return ret_avDesirableLongInt_Value;

} // avDesirableLongInt<EXPO, UNIT_BASE> operator+

// Constructor-0
template <unsigned int EXPO, unsigned int UNIT_BASE>
avDesirableLongInt<EXPO, UNIT_BASE>::avDesirableLongInt ()
        set_full_base ();

// Constructor-1
template <unsigned int EXPO, unsigned int UNIT_BASE>
avDesirableLongInt<EXPO, UNIT_BASE>::avDesirableLongInt (long unsigned int
        set_full_base ();

        if (!(unit_value_i < full_base_))
                cout << "FATAL ERROR : Number Value = "
                     << unit_value_i
                     << " (too big)"
                     << "; It must be less "
                     << full_base_
                     << "; "
                     << __FILE__
                     << ", #"
                     << __LINE__
                     << endl;

                exit (1);
        ASSERT (unit_value_i < full_base_);
        vector_unit_.push_back (unit_value_i);


// Constructor-2
template <unsigned int EXPO, unsigned int UNIT_BASE>
avDesirableLongInt<EXPO, UNIT_BASE>::avDesirableLongInt (
                                const avDesirableLongInt<EXPO, UNIT_BASE>&
                                const avDesirableLongInt<EXPO, UNIT_BASE>&
        set_full_base ();
        (*this) = left_i + right_i;


template <unsigned int EXPO, unsigned int UNIT_BASE>
string avDesirableLongInt<EXPO, UNIT_BASE>::getStrValue (ios& show_base_i
(ios&)) const
string          ret_Value;
strstream       tmp_strstream;

        ASSERT ((show_base_i == dec) | (show_base_i == hex) | (show_base_i ==

        if (!vector_unit_.empty ())
                for (long unsigned int theIndex = (vector_unit_.size () - 1);
theIndex > 0; theIndex--)
                        tmp_strstream << show_base_i;
                        tmp_strstream << vector_unit_ [theIndex];
                        tmp_strstream << UNITS_Delimeter_CNS;
                        tmp_strstream << setw (EXPO)
                                      << setfill ('0');
                tmp_strstream << show_base_i;
                tmp_strstream << vector_unit_ [0];
                tmp_strstream << "NoValue";

        tmp_strstream << dec;
        tmp_strstream << ends;
        ret_Value = tmp_strstream.str(); tmp_strstream.rdbuf()->freeze (0);
        return ret_Value;

//===================== template <unsigned int EXPO, unsigned int UNIT_BASE>
string avDesirableLongInt<EXPO, UNIT_BASE>::getAllInfo (ios& show_base_i
(ios&)) const { string	ret_Value; string  stringValue = getStrValue
(show_base_i); strstream  tmp_strstream;

        tmp_strstream << stringValue;
        tmp_strstream << ";  Size = ";
        tmp_strstream << getSize_S (stringValue);
        tmp_strstream << getValueComment (show_base_i);
        tmp_strstream << ends;

        ret_Value = tmp_strstream.str(); tmp_strstream.rdbuf()->freeze (0);

        return ret_Value;

template <unsigned int EXPO, unsigned int UNIT_BASE>
unsigned int avDesirableLongInt<EXPO, UNIT_BASE>::getSize (ios& show_base_i
(ios&)) const
        return getSize_S (getStrValue (show_base_i));

//===================== // static template <unsigned int EXPO, unsigned int
UNIT_BASE> unsigned int avDesirableLongInt<EXPO, UNIT_BASE>::getSize_S (const
string& strValue_i) { int  counter = 0; string::size_type  ret_index; string 
cur_substr = strValue_i;  if (!UNITS_Delimeter_CNS.empty ())  {  while
(!((ret_index = cur_substr.find (UNITS_Delimeter_CNS)) == string::npos))  { 
counter++;  cur_substr = cur_substr.substr (ret_index + 1);  } // while  }

        return (strValue_i.size () - counter*UNITS_Delimeter_CNS.size ());

template <unsigned int EXPO, unsigned int UNIT_BASE>
string avDesirableLongInt<EXPO, UNIT_BASE>::getValueComment (ios& show_base_i
(ios&)) const
string ret_Value;

        ASSERT ((show_base_i == dec) | (show_base_i == hex) | (show_base_i ==

        ret_Value += " (";
        if (show_base_i == hex)
                ret_Value += "hex";

        if (show_base_i == oct)
                ret_Value += "oct";

        if (show_base_i == dec)
                ret_Value += "dec";

        ret_Value += " digits)";

        return ret_Value;

template <unsigned int EXPO, unsigned int UNIT_BASE>
void avDesirableLongInt<EXPO, UNIT_BASE>::set_full_base ()
        ASSERT (EXPO > 1);
        ASSERT ((UNIT_BASE == 8) || (UNIT_BASE == 10) || (UNIT_BASE == 16));

        full_base_ = 1;
        for (long unsigned int theIndex = 1; theIndex <= EXPO; theIndex++)
                full_base_ *= UNIT_BASE;
                if ((full_base_ >= Max_Unit_Value_CNS) || (full_base_ == 0))
                        cout << "FATAL ERROR : EXPO Value = "
                             << EXPO
                             << " (too big)"
                             << "; It must be less "
                             << theIndex
                             << "  (Note! UNIT_BASE == "
                             << UNIT_BASE
                             << ")"
                             << __FILE__
                             << ", #"
                             << __LINE__
                             << endl;

                        exit (1);
                ASSERT (UNIT_BASE * ((full_base_/UNIT_BASE) + 1) <
                ASSERT (full_base_ != 0);


//##### PART#4 : The avClassTemplateFibonacci class #####

template <unsigned int EXPO, unsigned int UNIT_BASE>
class avClassTemplateFibonacci
        private :
                vector< avDesirableLongInt<EXPO, UNIT_BASE> >     fib_vector_;

        protected :
                avClassTemplateFibonacci (int n_i = 0);

        public :
                string          getAllNumbers (ios& show_base_i (ios&)) const;
                virtual avDesirableLongInt<EXPO, UNIT_BASE>     getFibNumber
(int n_i = 0);
                virtual ~avClassTemplateFibonacci () {}


// Constructor
template <unsigned int EXPO, unsigned int UNIT_BASE>
avClassTemplateFibonacci<EXPO, UNIT_BASE>::avClassTemplateFibonacci (int n_i)
        getFibNumber (n_i);

template <unsigned int EXPO, unsigned int UNIT_BASE>
avDesirableLongInt<EXPO, UNIT_BASE> avClassTemplateFibonacci<EXPO,
UNIT_BASE>::getFibNumber (int n_i)
const unsigned int cur_size =   fib_vector_.size ();


        if (n_i < 0)
                cout << "FATAL ERROR : n = "
                     << n_i
                     << "; "
                     << __FILE__
                     << ", #"
                     << __LINE__
                     << endl;
                exit (1);

  for (unsigned int i = cur_size; i <= (unsigned int) n_i; i++)  {  switch
(i)  {	case 0 :  fib_vector_.push_back (avDesirableLongInt<EXPO, UNIT_BASE>
(0));  break;

  case 1 :  if (fib_vector_.empty ())  {  fib_vector_.push_back
(avDesirableLongInt<EXPO, UNIT_BASE> (0));  }  fib_vector_.push_back
(avDesirableLongInt<EXPO, UNIT_BASE> (1));  break;

                        default :
                                fib_vector_.push_back (
                                                        getFibNumber (i - 2),
                                                        getFibNumber (i - 1)
                                                        //fib_vector_ [i - 2],
                                                        //fib_vector_ [i - 1]
                } // switch (n_i)
                if ((i%INFO_period_CNS == 0) & (i > 0))
                        cout << "INFO"
                             << " ("
                             << __FILE__
                             << ", Line#"
                             << __LINE__
                             << ")"
                             << " : "
                             << " Fib#"
                             << i
                             << " calculated; Total Units = "
                             << fib_vector_ [fib_vector_.size () -
1].getTotalUnits ()
                             << endl;
        } // for (int i = cur_size; i <= n_i; i++)


        return fib_vector_ [n_i];

} // long unsigned int avClassTemplateFibonacci::getFibNumber (int n_i)

template <unsigned int EXPO, unsigned int UNIT_BASE>
string avClassTemplateFibonacci<EXPO, UNIT_BASE>::getAllNumbers (ios&
show_base_i (ios&)) const
string          ret_Value;
strstream       tmp_strstream;
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fib_vector_.size (); i++)
                tmp_strstream << "Fib [" << i << "] = "
                              << fib_vector_ [i].getAllInfo (show_base_i)
                              << endl;
        tmp_strstream << ends;
        ret_Value = tmp_strstream.str(); tmp_strstream.rdbuf()->freeze (0);
        return ret_Value;
} // string avClassTemplateFibonacci::getAllNumbers () const

//##### PART#5 : The avClassTemplateOneFibonacci class ##

template <unsigned int EXPO, unsigned int UNIT_BASE>
class avClassTemplateOneFibonacci : public avClassTemplateFibonacci<EXPO,
        private :

        protected :
                avClassTemplateOneFibonacci (int n_i = 0) :
avClassTemplateFibonacci (n_i) {}

  public :  avDesirableLongInt<EXPO, UNIT_BASE>  getFibNumber (int n_i = 0); 
~avClassTemplateOneFibonacci () {} };

template <unsigned int EXPO, unsigned int UNIT_BASE>
avDesirableLongInt<EXPO, UNIT_BASE> avClassTemplateOneFibonacci<EXPO,
UNIT_BASE>::getFibNumber (int n_i)
vector < avDesirableLongInt<EXPO, UNIT_BASE> >  one_vector_;
        one_vector_.push_back (avDesirableLongInt<EXPO, UNIT_BASE> (0));
        one_vector_.push_back (avDesirableLongInt<EXPO, UNIT_BASE> (1));
        one_vector_.push_back (avDesirableLongInt<EXPO, UNIT_BASE> (0));

        if (n_i < 0)
                cout << "FATAL ERROR : n = "
                     << n_i
                     << "; "
                     << __FILE__
                     << ", #"
                     << __LINE__
                     << endl;
                exit (1);
        for (int theIndex = 0; theIndex < n_i; theIndex++)
                one_vector_.erase (one_vector_.begin ());;
                one_vector_.push_back (one_vector_ [0] + one_vector_ [1]);
                if ((theIndex%INFO_period_CNS == 0) & (theIndex > 0))
                        cout << "INFO"
                             << " ("
                             << __FILE__
                             << ", Line#"
                             << __LINE__
                             << ")"
                             << " : "
                             << " Fib#"
                             << theIndex
                             << " calculated; Total Units = "
                             << one_vector_ [2].getTotalUnits ()
                             << endl;

        return one_vector_ [2];

} // long unsigned int avClassTemplateOneFibonacci::getFibNumber (int n_i)

//##### PART#6 : The avClassDecUnitFibonacci class ######

template <unsigned int EXPO>
class avClassDecUnitFibonacci : public avClassTemplateFibonacci <EXPO, 10>
        public :
        avClassDecUnitFibonacci (int n_i = 0) : avClassTemplateFibonacci<EXPO,
10> (n_i) {}
        ~avClassDecUnitFibonacci () {}

typedef avClassDecUnitFibonacci<9>      ClassFibonacci;

//##### PART#7 : The avClassDecUnitOneFibonacci class ###

//############################# //===================== template <unsigned
int EXPO> class avClassDecUnitOneFibonacci : public
avClassTemplateOneFibonacci <EXPO, 10> {  public : 
avClassDecUnitOneFibonacci (int n_i = 0) : avClassTemplateOneFibonacci<EXPO,
10> (n_i) {}  ~avClassDecUnitOneFibonacci () {} };

typedef avClassDecUnitOneFibonacci<9>   ClassOneFibonacci;

//##### PART#8 : The avClassHexUnitFibonacci class ######

template <unsigned int EXPO>
class avClassHexUnitFibonacci : public avClassTemplateFibonacci <EXPO, 16>
        public :
        avClassHexUnitFibonacci (int n_i = 0) : avClassTemplateFibonacci<EXPO,
16> (n_i) {}
        ~avClassHexUnitFibonacci () {}

//##### PART#9 : The avClassHexUnitOneFibonacci class ###

//############################# //===================== template <unsigned
int EXPO> class avClassHexUnitOneFibonacci : public
avClassTemplateOneFibonacci <EXPO, 16> {  public : 
avClassHexUnitOneFibonacci (int n_i = 0) : avClassTemplateOneFibonacci<EXPO,
16> (n_i) {}  ~avClassHexUnitOneFibonacci () {} };

//##### PART#10 : FUNCTIONS #############################

bool    stringIsDigit (const string& string_i);
bool    stringIsNonDigit (const string& string_i);

void    printAllFib (
                        long unsigned int       n_i,
                        const string&   msg_i = string (),
                        ios&            show_base_i (ios&) = dec

void    printOneFib (
                        long unsigned int       n_i,
                        const string&   msg_i = string (),
                        ios&            show_base_i (ios&) = dec

void    printSomeFib (
                        const vector<long unsigned int>&        vect_i,
                        const string&   msg_i = string (),
                        ios&            show_base_i (ios&) = dec

int     mainFib (int argc, char **argv);

#endif // __fib_class_of_alex_vinokur_H

//############ END OF FILE ##########################

------------------- C++ code : END ----------------------
=== File #1 of 3 : fib_class_of_alex_vinokur.H ==========

=== File #2 of 3 : fib_class_of_alex_vinokur.C ==========
------------------- C++ code : BEGIN --------------------

// ==============================================================
//  Copyright (c) 1999 by Alex Vinokur.  This work and all works
//  derived from it may be copied and modified without any
//  restrictions other than that a copy of this copyright notice
//  must be included in any copy of this work or any derived work.
// ==============================================================
static char id[] = "@(#)Author ## "__FILE__" ::: Alex Vinokur";

// ##############################################################
// =============================
//  Very Large Fibonacci Numbers
// =============================
//  FILE : fib_class_of_alex_vinokur.C
//  AUTHOR : Alex Vinokur
//      Functions :
//         - stringIsDigit
//         - stringIsNonDigit
//         - printAllFib
//         - printOneFib
//         - printSomeFib
//         - printErrorUsageMessage
//         - argv_check
//         - mainFib
//  DATE           VERSION
//  ----           -------
//  Apr-22-1999    AVF 1.0
// ##############################################################

#include "fib_class_of_alex_vinokur.H"

//############ FUNCTION #############################

bool    stringIsDigit (const string& string_i)
        ASSERT (!string_i.empty ());
        for (long unsigned int theIndex= 0; theIndex < string_i.size ();
                if (!isdigit (string_i [theIndex]))
                        return false;
        return true;
} // bool    stringIsDigit (const string& string_i)

bool    stringIsNonDigit (const string& string_i)
        ASSERT (!string_i.empty ());
        for (long unsigned int theIndex= 0; theIndex < string_i.size ();
                if (isdigit (string_i [theIndex]))
                        return false;
        return true;
} // bool    stringIsNonDigit (const string& string_i)

void    printAllFib (
                        long unsigned int       n_i,
                        const string&   msg_i,
                        ios&            show_base_i (ios&)
string          print_string;
strstream       tmp_strstream;
        if (!msg_i.empty())
                tmp_strstream << endl;
                tmp_strstream << "################################" << endl;
                tmp_strstream << "###" << "\t" << msg_i << endl;
                tmp_strstream << "################################" << endl;
        tmp_strstream << ClassFibonacci (n_i).getAllNumbers (show_base_i);
        tmp_strstream << endl;
        tmp_strstream << ends;

        print_string = tmp_strstream.str(); tmp_strstream.rdbuf()->freeze (0);
        cout << print_string;

} // printAllFib

void    printOneFib (
                        long unsigned int       n_i,
                        const string&   msg_i,
                        ios&            show_base_i (ios&)
string          print_string;
strstream       tmp_strstream;
        if (!msg_i.empty())
                tmp_strstream << endl;
                tmp_strstream << "################################" << endl;
                tmp_strstream << "###" << "\t" << msg_i << endl;
                tmp_strstream << "################################" << endl;
ClassOneFibonacci       f1;

        tmp_strstream << "Fib#"
                      << n_i
                      << " = "
                      << f1.getFibNumber (n_i).getAllInfo (show_base_i)
                      << endl;
        tmp_strstream << endl;
        tmp_strstream << ends;

        print_string = tmp_strstream.str(); tmp_strstream.rdbuf()->freeze (0);
        cout << print_string;

} // printOneFib

void    printSomeFib (
                        const vector<long unsigned int>&        vect_i,
                        const string&                   msg_i,
                        ios&                            show_base_i (ios&)
string          print_string;
strstream       tmp_strstream;

        if (!msg_i.empty())
                tmp_strstream << endl;
                tmp_strstream << "################################" << endl;
                tmp_strstream << "###" << "\t" << msg_i << endl;
                tmp_strstream << "################################" << endl;
ClassFibonacci f1;

        for (unsigned int theIndex = 0; theIndex < vect_i.size (); theIndex++)
                tmp_strstream << "Fib#"
                     << vect_i [theIndex]
                     << " = "
                     << f1.getFibNumber (vect_i [theIndex]).getAllInfo
                     << endl;
        } // for (unsigned int theIndex = 0; theIndex < vect_i.size ();
        tmp_strstream << endl;

        tmp_strstream << ends;

        print_string = tmp_strstream.str(); tmp_strstream.rdbuf()->freeze (0);
        cout << print_string;
} // printSomeFib

void printErrorUsageMessage (
                int                     argc,
                char                    **argv
        cout << endl
             << "FATAR ERROR!"
             << endl
             << "============"
             << endl
             << "USAGE : "
             << argv[0]
             << " All <number>"
             << endl
             << "      : "
             << argv[0]
             << " <number> [<number>, <number>, ...]"
             << endl;

bool argv_check (
                int                     argc,
                char                    **argv,
                long unsigned int       cur_index_i,
                long unsigned int&      cur_numberValue_o

        ASSERT (argc >= 2);
        ASSERT (cur_index_i >= 1);

        if (!stringIsDigit (string (argv[cur_index_i])))
                printErrorUsageMessage (argc, argv);
                cout << endl
                     << "NOT NUMBER : "
                     << "argv ["
                     << cur_index_i
                     << "] = "
                     << argv [cur_index_i]
                     << endl;
                return false;

        cur_numberValue_o = strtoul (argv[cur_index_i], (char**)NULL, 10);
        if (cur_numberValue_o == ULONG_MAX)
                cout << endl
                     <<  "FATAR ERROR!"
                     << endl
                     << "============"
                     << endl
                     << "TOO LARGE VALUE : "
                     << "argv ["
                     << cur_index_i
                     << "] = "
                     << argv [cur_index_i]
                     << endl;
                return false;
        return true;
} // bool argv_check (long unsigned int cur_index_i)

int     mainFib (int argc, char **argv)

long unsigned int               cur_numberValue;
long unsigned int               cur_index;
vector<long unsigned int>       vect;

        switch (argc)
                case 0 :
                        abort ();

                case 1 :
                        printErrorUsageMessage (argc, argv);
                        exit (1);

                case 2 :
                        cur_index = 1;
                        if (!argv_check (argc, argv, cur_index,
                                exit (1);
                        printOneFib (cur_numberValue);

                case 3 :
                        if (string ("All") == argv [1])
                                cur_index = 2;
                                if (!argv_check (argc, argv, cur_index,
                                        exit (1);
                                printAllFib (cur_numberValue);

                default :
                        for (int theIndex = 1; theIndex < argc; theIndex++)
                                cur_index = theIndex;
                                if (!argv_check (argc, argv, cur_index,
                                        exit (1);
                                vect.push_back (cur_numberValue);
                        printSomeFib (vect);

        } // switch (argc)

        return 0;
} // int     mainFib (int argc, char **argv)

//############ END OF FILE ##########################

------------------- C++ code : END ----------------------
=== File #2 of 3 : fib_class_of_alex_vinokur.C ==========

=== File #3 of 3 : fib_main_of_alex_vinokur.C ===========
------------------- C++ code : BEGIN --------------------

// ==============================================================
//  Copyright (c) 1999 by Alex Vinokur.  This work and all works
//  derived from it may be copied and modified without any
//  restrictions other than that a copy of this copyright notice
//  must be included in any copy of this work or any derived work.
// ==============================================================
static char id[] = "@(#)Author ## "__FILE__" ::: Alex Vinokur";

// ##############################################################
// =============================
//  Very Large Fibonacci Numbers
// =============================
//  FILE : fib_main_of_alex_vinokur.C
//  AUTHOR : Alex Vinokur
//  DESCRIPTION : Main program
//  DATE           VERSION
//  ----           -------
//  Apr-22-1999    AVF 1.0
// ##############################################################

#include "fib_class_of_alex_vinokur.H"

int main (int argc, char **argv)
        return mainFib (argc, argv);

//############ END OF FILE ##########################

------------------- C++ code : END ----------------------
=== File #3 of 3 : fib_main_of_alex_vinokur.C ===========

------------------- Compilation : BEGIN -----------------

Compilation Command Line :

g++ -O3 fib_main_of_alex_vinokur.C fib_class_of_alex_vinokur.C

------------------- Compilation : END -==----------------

------------------- Running : BEGIN ---------------------


Command Line :
a.out 12

Output :
Fib#12 = 144;  Size = 3 (dec digits)


Command Line :
a.out 5 9 10 12

Output :
Fib#5 = 5;  Size = 1 (dec digits)
Fib#9 = 34;  Size = 2 (dec digits)
Fib#10 = 55;  Size = 2 (dec digits)
Fib#12 = 144;  Size = 3 (dec digits)


Command Line :
a.out All 12

Output :
Fib [0] = 0;  Size = 1 (dec digits)
Fib [1] = 1;  Size = 1 (dec digits)
Fib [2] = 1;  Size = 1 (dec digits)
Fib [3] = 2;  Size = 1 (dec digits)
Fib [4] = 3;  Size = 1 (dec digits)
Fib [5] = 5;  Size = 1 (dec digits)
Fib [6] = 8;  Size = 1 (dec digits)
Fib [7] = 13;  Size = 2 (dec digits)
Fib [8] = 21;  Size = 2 (dec digits)
Fib [9] = 34;  Size = 2 (dec digits)
Fib [10] = 55;  Size = 2 (dec digits)
Fib [11] = 89;  Size = 2 (dec digits)
Fib [12] = 144;  Size = 3 (dec digits)

------------------- Running : END -----------------------

------------------- Compiler & System  ------------------

g++ -v     : gcc version egcs-2.91.57 19980901
             (egcs-1.1 release)

uname -a   : SunOS <nodename> 5.6 Generic_105181-09
             sun4m sparc SUNW,SPARCstation-5



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