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Re: Setting Path for Help Docs

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg21009] Re: Setting Path for Help Docs
  • From: "P.J. Hinton" <paulh at>
  • Date: Thu, 2 Dec 1999 21:41:21 -0500 (EST)
  • Organization: "Wolfram Research, Inc."
  • References: <822j0e$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

On 1 Dec 1999, Mosa Chaisi wrote:

> I installed Mathematica 4 in drive D:\...\Wolfram Research\. When I try to run
> Master Index or The Mathematica Book (help) it looks for help docs in
> C:\...\Wolfram Research\. Can someone help?

I'm not exactly sure what you imply with "..." in paths.  I'm assuming
that you mean that elements have been omitted for brevity.

The default setting for the front end is to search for a Documentation
directory tree in both the core Mathematica installation and the user's
Mathematica preferences directory.  Try evaluating this expression in a

    FrontEnd`FileName[{$TopDirectory}]]]; LinkRead[$ParentLink]

If this returns a path on your C drive rather than the D drive, then you
should probably do a complete removal and reinstall of Mathematica on your
machine because the front end is not installed where it thinks it is.
Instructions for doing this can be found here.

Note that some operations may require editing Windows registry keys.  It
is highly recommended that you make a backup copy of the registry before
making changes.

In general, you can adjust the list of directories searched by the front
end for documentation by adding elements to SystemHelpPath.  This can be
done by evaluating the following expression in a notebook.  Here is a
common example, which adds the path D:\PC\Files, which refers to the docs
on the Mathematica CD-ROM.

  SystemHelpPath -> {
    FrontEnd`FileName[{"D:", "PC", "Files"}]

P.J. Hinton
Mathematica Programming Group           paulh at
Wolfram Research, Inc.

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