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Re: Re: Running Mathematica under Linux Red Hat

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg21154] Re: [mg20952] Re: Running Mathematica under Linux Red Hat
  • From: Bojan Bistrovic <bojanb at>
  • Date: Fri, 17 Dec 1999 01:22:19 -0500 (EST)
  • Organization: Old Dominion Universityaruba
  • References: <831la8$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Rob Smith wrote:
> I too am now running under Red Hat 6.0 and, wow, what a huge difference.
> I do alot of graphics and manipulations with fairly large lists.  Under
> Windoze I would routinely reboot every hour or so also--I spent almost as
> much time saving and rebooting (and recalculating lost work) as I did
> doing my work in the first place!  I'm now running on a 450 MHz P-III
> with 256 MB RAM and haven't crashed Mathematica a single time.  And if
> anybody wants more incentive to switch to Linux check this out:  I boot
> Win95 and Red Hat 6.0 off the same machine and 1) my CPU runs 8 degrees
> Celsius cooler under Linux and 2) my 56K modem connection is 10 times
> faster under Linux.  No, I am not kidding.
> Rob Smith
> Department of Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry
> Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
> Baltimore, MD 21205

I had a similar (dual boot) setting and I did some testing as well.
Under Linux calculations appear to be cca. 10-15% faster. I'm not just
talking about the "processor time"; I'd leave long calculation on the
computer and Linux would do it in about 13 hours while Windows95
required ove 14 hrs. If that's not enough, what is?
Bojan Bistrovic,                       bojanb at  
Old Dominion University, Physics Department,      Norfolk, VA

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