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no kernel?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg15703] [mg15640] no kernel?
  • From: Eric Strobel <EStrobel at>
  • Date: Mon, 1 Feb 1999 14:54:19 -0500 (EST)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Sounds as if the front end can't find the kernel.  Try to activate the
manually before opening the front end (to check in case a HD problem has
stomped your copy of the kernel).  If the kernel runs, but the front
end  still can't contact it, I'm stumped.

If the kernel runs and the front end CAN talk to it, then the problem is
in  how your system finds and starts the kernel when the front end
first needs  it.  Speaking of what I know, namely the Mac, the most
likely problem is that 
you've either installed something or moved a bunch of files around and
the  Desktop database has gotten out of whack.  Rebuilding your desktop
should fix 
the problem...  If you're on Windows, which I've occasionally been
coerced/ forced into using, I think the Registry file plays a similar
role and can  cause similar problems when it feels out of sorts.

- Eric.
Microsoft Mail v3.0 (MAPI 1.0 Transport) IPM.Microsoft Mail.Note From:
Jeff D. Hamann
To: mathgroup at
Subject: [mg15703]  [mg15640] no kernel?
Message ID: 52D1D493BDB7D211B0B100A0C9D346ED


I haven't run mathematica in a few weeks and tried to perform some
evaluations recently. i enter a simple expression like 4+5= and it just
sits there with a "running" message in the window title bar.....

what's going on.
i can't get any notebooks to evaluate!!!!!

any ideas.

hamannj at

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