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Q: how to list vertices of the Geodesate[] of a polyhedron?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg15739] Q: how to list vertices of the Geodesate[] of a polyhedron?
  • From: wacb at (Bill Christens-Barry)
  • Date: Fri, 5 Feb 1999 03:42:33 -0500 (EST)
  • Organization: Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

The package Graphics`Polyhedra` allows the tesselation of various
polyhedra. For example, the command

  Show[Geodesate[Polyhedron[Dodecahedron], 3]]

will yield a graphic of the order-3 regular tesselation of a
dodecahedron onto a sphere. Using the command

  First[Geodesate[Polyhedron[Dodecahedron], 3]]

I can get the list of polygons comprising such a tesselation, although
its in the form of a matrix with an individual matrix element given as

And, while I can get a list of vertices of a non-tesselated polyhedron,


I haven't been able to get a list of the vertices of the tesselated
polyhedron. The Output of First[] contains all of the vertices, but the
list looks like a matrixform (there are no comma delimiters or curly
brackets, and each element is preceded by the word 'polygon'), and I
don't know how to get at the individual vertex coordinates. Can anyone
describe a solution?


Bill Christens-Barry

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