MathGroup Archive 1999

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Patches Available?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg16118] Patches Available?
  • From: Lawrence Walker <lwalker701 at>
  • Date: Sat, 27 Feb 1999 03:22:58 -0500
  • Organization: Morgan State University: COMSARE
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


Are there any patches or updates availabe for 3.0.1?  I am
getting a lot of nuisance bugs when copying and pasting
graphics to Word97 and missing fonts or characters or
black'd out images when printing as an Adobe Acrobat file?

Note: I notice that the Display function works okay when
inserting images into Word97 instead of copying them.



     (\___/)     The fear of the LORD is the beginning of    
     (o\ /o)     wisdom: a good understanding have all they  
    /|:.V.:|\    that do his commandments: his praise        
    \\::::://    endureth for ever.              Psa 111:10  
-----`"" ""`------------------------------------------------
        Lawrence A. Walker Jr., M.Eng./Ph.D. Candidate      
                   Morgan State University                  
          Clarence M. Mitchell School of Engineering        
 COMSARE (Center Of Microwave/Satellite And RF Engineering) 
           Rm: 306-Schafer     Phone: (443)885-1453        

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