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listplot and notebook directory

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg15345] listplot and notebook directory
  • From: Maarten.vanderBurgt at
  • Date: Sat, 9 Jan 1999 23:58:12 -0500
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


I have two unrelated questions:


When I execute the following command the result is a listplot where the
data points ares fairly big filled black circles.
     In[1]:=   ListPlot[{0,2,4,9,16,25},PlotStyle->PointSize[0.05]]

The following gives a plot where the data points are joined by a line.
     In[2]:=   ListPlot[{0,2,4,9,16,25},PlotJoined -> True]

With the following I would expect the combination of the two. It does
however give the same results as In[2]: the
"PlotStyle->PointSize[0.05]" options doesn't seem to have any effect
here. Is this intended behaviour or is this a bug?
     In[3]:=   ListPlot[{0,2,4,9,16,25},PlotJoined -> True,

Is there a way you can have both options "PlotJoined -> True" and


Is there a command which gives the directory where the current notebook

You get the notebook directory -- which can be some network directory
different from the local directory where Mathematica is located -- with
$InitialDirectory when you start Mathematica by double clicking on the
notebook file in Explorer (Windows). However, when Mathematica is
launched from the programs menu and you open the same notebook from the
File menu, $InitialDirectory gives the Mathematica directory. Is there
a command which also in the latter case gives the path to the notebook?
I did not find anything in the book. This would be very usefull when
you want to read in data from an ascii file which sits in the same
directory as the notebook file. It would make moving the whole
directory much easier: you would not have to retype a fairly long
network directory path.

Thanks for any help

Maarten van der Burgt

Icos Vision Systems

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