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Re: listplot and notebook directory

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg15397] Re: listplot and notebook directory
  • From: Rolf Mertig <rolf at>
  • Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 03:14:57 -0500
  • Organization: Mertig Research & Consulting
  • References: <779bkt$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Maarten.vanderBurgt at wrote:
> Hello,
> I have two unrelated questions:
> When I execute the following command the result is a listplot where the
> data points ares fairly big filled black circles.
>      In[1]:=   ListPlot[{0,2,4,9,16,25},PlotStyle->PointSize[0.05]]
> The following gives a plot where the data points are joined by a line.
>      In[2]:=   ListPlot[{0,2,4,9,16,25},PlotJoined -> True]
> With the following I would expect the combination of the two. It does
> however give the same results as In[2]: the
> "PlotStyle->PointSize[0.05]" options doesn't seem to have any effect
> here. Is this intended behaviour or is this a bug?
>      In[3]:=   ListPlot[{0,2,4,9,16,25},PlotJoined -> True,
> PlotStyle->PointSize[0.05]]
> Is there a way you can have both options "PlotJoined -> True" and
> "PlotStyle->PointSize[0.05]"?
> Is there a command which gives the directory where the current notebook
> resides?
> You get the notebook directory -- which can be some network directory
> different from the local directory where Mathematica is located -- with
> $InitialDirectory when you start Mathematica by double clicking on the
> notebook file in Explorer (Windows). However, when Mathematica is
> launched from the programs menu and you open the same notebook from the
> File menu, $InitialDirectory gives the Mathematica directory. Is there
> a command which also in the latter case gives the path to the notebook?
> I did not find anything in the book. This would be very usefull when
> you want to read in data from an ascii file which sits in the same
> directory as the notebook file. It would make moving the whole
> directory much easier: you would not have to retype a fairly long
> network directory path.
> Thanks for any help
> Maarten van der Burgt
> Icos Vision Systems
> Leuven
> Belgium

The important function is 
NotebookInformation[ notebookobject ]. Executing
NotebookInformation[InputNotebook[]] will give you all kind of useful

For getting the directory you can use 
   NotebookDirectory[ InputNotebook[] ] , which will give you the
directory. I'm not 100% sure it will work over the network though.
Please let me know.

I'll also list NotebookFileName which I found useful too.

Options[NotebookFileName] = {Directory -> True};

winfix[x_] := If[StringMatchQ[$OperatingSystem, "Windows9*"],
   x /. s_String :> StringDrop[s, 1] /; StringMatchQ[StringTake[s, 1],
       $RootDirectory], x];

NotebookFileName[nb_ /; Head[nb] === NotebookObject, opts___] :=
  winfix[If[(Directory /. Flatten[{opts, Options[NotebookFileName]}])
      True, "FileName" /. NotebookInformation[nb] /.
      FrontEnd`FileName[d_, f_, ___] :> ToFileName[d, f],
     "FileName" /. NotebookInformation[nb] /.
      FrontEnd`FileName[d_, f_, ___] :> f] /. "FileName" -> $Failed];

NotebookDirectoryName[nb_ /; Head[nb] === NotebookObject] :=
  winfix["FileName" /. NotebookInformation[nb] /.
     FrontEnd`FileName[d_, __] :> ToFileName[d] /. "FileName" ->



Dr. Rolf Mertig
Mertig Research & Consulting  
Mathematica training and programming Development and distribution of
FeynCalc  Amsterdam, The Netherlands

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