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Re: Special characters

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg15534] Re: [mg15479] Special characters
  • From: jtischer at (Cl-Jurgen Tischer)
  • Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 13:44:24 -0500 (EST)
  • Organization: Universidad del Valle
  • References: <>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

you can use Overscript (Ctrl-&) and \[DoubleDot] to get what you want.
One problem with this is that the quality of the result depends a lot
on the resolution of your monitor and the magnification you use. (In my
case, 17" monitor with small letters and 1024 x 768 resolution,
magnification 1 looks lousy -- the dots are to tiny -- mag 1.25 looks
quite good. By the way the same is true with the build-in
\[UDoubleDot].) You can always enlarge the \[DoubleDot] (with Alt +)
but it will have a tendency to jump from too small to too fat. The
second problem is with \[Theta], it's kind of italic, so the
\[DoubleDot] ends up sitting a bit to far to the left. You can shift it
with Alt--> and so on, but you could find it trying to get the
\[DoubleDot] selected without selecting the \[Theta]. In any case you
could use Ctrl-Shift-E to do the same on the cell level. Once you have
your special character as you want it, create a button (Paste), copy
your special character on it and activate. (You will want to make your
own palette with all your \[DoubleDot] characters.) I add one Cell with
some characters and one with a button. Copy them one by one in your
notebook or you will drive Mathematica's parser nuts. If you observe
carefully you will find the \[DoubleDot] of the Button better located
than the one over \[Theta] in the upper line, I changed the values of
BoxMargins in a way one cannot with Alt-->. If you find it too
difficult to mark the \[DoubleDot] (one would like to have a cursor the
size of a pixel), just use the Cells below as templates.

      OverscriptBox["x", "\[DoubleDot]"], " ", 
      OverscriptBox["y", "\[DoubleDot]"], " ", 
      OverscriptBox["z", "\[DoubleDot]"], " ", 
          BoxMargins->{{0.0617761, -0.0617761}, {0, 0}}]]}]], "Input"]

          BoxMargins->{{0.1, -0.1}, {0, 0}}]],
      ButtonStyle->"Paste"]], "Input",Active->True]


Harry flynn wrote:
> Can anyone tell me if if is possible to input x "double dot" and theta
> "doubledot" (i.e. with the two dots over the letter) in Mathematica.
> This seems sraightforward when the letter is a, o or u but I cannot find
> a way for the letters previously mentioned. Thankyou,
> Harry Flynn

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