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Re: How to fix bad EPS output from Display[.., .., "EPS"]

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg15627] Re: How to fix bad EPS output from Display[.., .., "EPS"]
  • From: Gennady Stupakov <stupakov at>
  • Date: Sat, 30 Jan 1999 04:28:28 -0500 (EST)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

To solve this problem, I use Adobe Illustrator. I open the eps file from
Mathematica in Illustrator, do Select All and Ungroup commands. Then I
select and delete boxes that surround the figure and plot labels. Those
boxes are usually very large and stick out of the figure area making 
the bounding box of the eps picture too large, which in turn may cause
latex to put the figures at the bottom of the page. After that I also
save the file with all the fonts included, because otherwise printing
from the latex will show funny characters in place of Mathematica

It's awkward, but works for me.


"Henry S. Greenside" wrote:

> I am trying to use Mathematica 3.01 to produce a journal-quality figure
> in .eps format from a Mathematica graphics. When I try a command such
> as:
>      Display[ "fig1.eps", fig1, "EPS" ]
> I find that the Mathematica figure "fig1" is correctly translated into
> the .eps file fig1.eps BUT the output is funny and inconvenient: the
> actual graphics appears at the bottom of a full size page and the
> bottom part of the plot (usually some labels) actually lies outside the
> plotting area of a printer and so is cut off when printing.
> As a simple example, try this:
>      g1 = Plot[ Cos[x], {x,0,2Pi} ] ;
>      Display[ "cos.eps", g1, "EPS" ]
> then print cos.eps with ghostview or xv, etc.
> Does anyone know a simple way to get around this irritating problem, by
> preventing Mathematica from sticking the graphics at the bottom of a
> full-size page? I would have thought that the .eps output file would be
> a minimal size box just containing the desired graphics.
>         Thanks,
>         Henry

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