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Reading in equations for evaluation

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg18090] Reading in equations for evaluation
  • From: Virgil Stokes <virgil.stokes at>
  • Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 12:26:32 -0400
  • Delivery-date: Thu Jun 17 15:18:38 1999
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Within a Mathematica 3.0.1 notebook I would like to read in
a set of expressions that can be then be used (evaluated).


  (* Input table of events from a file -- defines liste *)
  file contains (e values):
  (* Input expr1, expr2 from a file. These define in symbolic form, the
        to be used to calculate the other events *)
   file contains (equations for start,stop events):
     e - 40
     e - 150
(* Now apply these equations to the events in the event file
   to form a list of start, stop events *)
    StrtEvents = {}; StopEvents = {};
        e = liste[[k]];
        strt = expr1;  (* strt = e - 40; *)
        stop = expr2;  (* stop = e - 150; *)
        StrtEvents = Append[StrtEvents,strt];
        StopEvents = Append[StopEvents,stop];

Now the new event lists should contain:

  StrtEvents = {160,150,170}
  StopEvents = {10,0,20}

How can one accomplish this in Mathematica?

-- Virgil

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