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Re: Mathematica Link for Excel

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg18180] Re: [mg18085] Mathematica Link for Excel
  • From: Haiduke Sarafian <has2 at>
  • Date: Sat, 19 Jun 1999 23:54:35 -0400
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

At 12:26 PM 6/17/99 -0400, nogueira wrote:
>Dear Mathematica users
>I just installed the math link(v:2.0.0)  for excel (97) but
>when I type a function in an empty cell, like
>=Math("Cos",3),  it comes an Excel error message
>like "The formula you typed contains an error".
>It does work if I go by the "function wizard".
>Does anyone know how to fix this problem?
>Thanks for your attention
>Eduardo Arantes Nogueira       nogueira at
>Laboratorio de Cateterismo Cardiaco
>Universidade de Campinas, Brazil

This is the way it works.  =Math("Cos",b1) where b1 is predefined cell, say
3.  To check the validity of the calculation instead of 3, evaluate the
Cos(30 degrees).  So enter in b1 the following:  =PI()/180*30 and then in
an empty Excel cell enter  =Math("Cos",b1) this will give 0.86.
Alternatively , you may replace your entry   =Math("Cos",3)  with
=Math("Cos","3")  .  Cheers

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