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ImageSize: can be chosen only once per session?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg18255] ImageSize: can be chosen only once per session?
  • From: Timo Felbinger <timof at>
  • Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1999 14:24:37 -0400
  • Organization: University of Potsdam
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

ImageSize in Mathematica 3.0 doesn't work as expected for me, as can be seen
when evaluating the following two expressions in Mathematica 3.0:

  point1 = Graphics[
    { PointSize[ 1.0 ] , Point[ { 0, 0 } ] }
  , ImageSize -> { 100 , 100 }
  , AspectRatio -> 1
  , PlotRange -> { { -1 , 1 } , { -1, 1 } }
  ; Display[ "point1.eps", point1, "EPS", ImageSize -> { 100, 100 } ]

  point2 = Graphics[
    { PointSize[ 1.0 ] , Point[ { 0, 0 } ] }
  , ImageSize -> { 200 , 200 }
  , AspectRatio -> 1
  , PlotRange -> { { -1 , 1 } , { -1, 1 } }
  ; Display[ "point2.eps", point2, "EPS", ImageSize -> { 200, 200 } ]

The first one does what it should, but in the second EPS file, the
Point[] is half-way out of the bounding box.
Further tests seem to indicate that I can choose an arbitrary value for
ImageSize exactly once per session; if I use a different value at a
later time, the vertical position of the graphics with respect to the
bounding box margins will be wrong. What am I missing here?

Timo Felbinger   <Timo.Felbinger at>
Quantum Physics Group
Institute of Physics
University of Potsdam, Germany

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