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Re: REDUCE vs. a symoblic function

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg18273] Re: REDUCE vs. a symoblic function
  • From: Jens-Peer Kuska <kuska at>
  • Date: Fri, 25 Jun 1999 15:05:20 -0400
  • Organization: Universitaet Leipzig
  • References: <7kttal$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Hi Jerry,

Mathematica should get the same result in all 4 cases ? Realy ?
I get in the last two cases for F==Sin or F==Cos
q== 2Pi n and any a and any interger n,
but that is not a solution for the first two.
Can you explain why the result for any F should be
the same ?


>         When I type in: 
>         Reduce[a*q - a ==0,a}
>         OR 
>         Reduce[a*q - a ==0,q]
>         I get the result:    a == 0   OR q == 1
>         However, if I type in:
>         Reduce[ F[a*q] - F[a] == 0,a]    I just get back        Reduce[
> F[a*q] - F[a] == 0,a]
>         and if I type in:
>         Reduce[ F[a*q] - F[a] == 0,q]   I get back
>         a NOT == 0 && q == 1     
> Why the difference in these outcomes?        These questions were,
> in part, motivated by the statement "As well as treating variables like x
> symbolically, you can also treat functions , like f[x], in Mathematica
> symbolically.....without specifying any explicit form for the function
> f[x]."  Secondly, assuming that Mathematica doesnt get the result rather
> then I didnt use the correct commands to get them, and even if you can
> explain why it didnt, should it have gotten the same result in all 4 cases?
>         Thanks.   Jerry Blimbaum   NSWC   Panama City, Fl

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