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Re: easiest way to sort a list?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg18334] Re: easiest way to sort a list?
  • From: colin at (Colin Rose)
  • Date: Sun, 27 Jun 1999 15:11:22 -0400
  • Organization: Theoretical Research Institute
  • References: <7l1e2b$> <7l3k1c$gje$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

>        {1, 5, 3, 5, 10, 10, 1}      ->        {1, 5, 3, 10}

It's interesting to compare the efficiency of the various
solutions posted. Given a long list, say:

  In[1]:=   lis = Table[Random[Integer, {1, 100}], {50000}]; 

here is how they compare on speed:

1.  Part[lis, Sort[Map[Position[lis, #][[1]] &, Union[lis]] // Flatten]]

    0.416 Second

2. OrderedUnion[li_] := Block[{i}, i[n_] := (i[n] = Sequence[]; n); i /@
    0.5 Second

3. RestoreOrder[subset_, list_] := 
    Last /@ Sort[{Position[list, #, {1}, 1][[1, 1]], #} & /@ subset];  
   EliminateRepetition[list_List] := RestoreOrder[Union[list], list]

    2.8 Second    

4.  union2[l_] := Fold[
    Flatten[If[! MemberQ[#1, #2], Append[#1, #2], #1]] &, {}, l]

    9.4 Second

    and the pretty but slow pattern matching solution:

5.  lis //. {a___, x_, b___, x_, c___} -> {a, x, b, c} // Timing 

    No solution in 5 hours (stopped).

Timings on PowerMac G3/400 with v4.



Colin Rose 
tr(I)    -  Theoretical Research Institute
colin at

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