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Re: Solve Equation

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg20841] [mg20841] Re: [mg20813] Solve Equation
  • From: Bjorn Leonardz <Bjorn.Leonardz at>
  • Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1999 03:40:57 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

>i am trying to solve 3 equations on 3 variables. Mathematica is complaining
>about trigonometric functions, sin and cosine.
>L= 5+4Cos[a]
>L=13-12 Cos[b]
>L=10 - 6Cos[a+b]
>I tried to change
>Cos[a]  -> x
>Cos[b] -> y
>Cos[a+b] - > (x y - Sqrt[1-x x]Sqrt[1- y y])
>But this time it only gives me a trivial solution.(L=0)
>I am trying to get the solution.
>L=7, b=Pi/3 , a= Pi/3*5
>Good work , everyone.
>MSc student @ University of Cape Town


I tried Solve like this:
and received two sets of complex valued solutions. Also a warning:
    "Inverse functions are being used by \!\(Solve\), so some solutions may \
not be found."

solutions. How about taking a *look* at things, that is, have Mathematica 
plot the three surfaces and then show them all in the same box (see
attached notebook).

Without turning the plot around we can see two sets of real-valued
solutions and then use FindRoot to find them (it looks like there are
two more on the other side of the mountain):




Just to check, we can try to apply NSolve to the original system of equations:


It gives the same warning as Solve
and two solutions, one complex and one equal to the first one above:

But I come no nearer to an analytic solution...

Incidentally, in what context do these equations appear?

Bjorn Leonardz


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    \(Solve[{x == 5 + 4  Cos[u], x == 13 - 12  Cos[v], 
        x == 10 - 6  Cos[u + v]}, {x, u, v}]\)], "Input"],

    \(fcnOne[u_, v_] := 5 + 4  Cos[u]\), 
    \(\t\tfcnTwo[u_, v_] := 13 - 12  Cos[v]\), 
    \(\t\tfcnThree[u_, v_] := 10 - 6  Cos[u + v]\)}], "Input"],

    \(plotOne = 
      Plot3D[fcnOne[u, v], {u, 0, 2\ \[Pi]}, {v, 0, 2\ \[Pi]}, 
        PlotPoints -> 40, PlotRange \[Rule] {0, 25}, 
        BoxRatios \[Rule] {1, 1, 1}, 
        AxesLabel \[Rule] {"\<u\>", "\<v\>", "\<x\>"}, \ 
        ImageSize -> {249, 270}]\)], "Input"],

    \(plotTwo = 
      Plot3D[fcnTwo[u, v], {u, 0, 2\ \[Pi]}, {v, 0, 2\ \[Pi]}, 
        PlotPoints -> 40, PlotRange \[Rule] {0, 25}, 
        BoxRatios \[Rule] {1, 1, 1}, 
        AxesLabel \[Rule] {"\<u\>", "\<v\>", "\<x\>"}, \ 
        ImageSize -> {249, 270}]\)], "Input"],

    \(plotThree = 
      Plot3D[fcnThree[u, v], {u, 0, 2\ \[Pi]}, {v, 0, 2\ \[Pi]}, 
        PlotPoints -> 40, PlotRange \[Rule] {0, 25}, 
        BoxRatios \[Rule] {1, 1, 1}, 
        AxesLabel \[Rule] {"\<u\>", "\<v\>", "\<x\>"}, \ 
        ImageSize -> {249, 270}]\)], "Input"],

    \(Show[plotOne, plotTwo, plotThree]\)], "Input"],

    \(FindRoot[{x == 5 + 4  Cos[u], x == 13 - 12  Cos[v], 
        x == 10 - 6  Cos[u + v]}, {x, 5}, {u, 5}, {v, 1}]\)], "Input"],

    \(FindRoot[{x == 5 + 4  Cos[u], x == 13 - 12  Cos[v], 
        x == 10 - 6  Cos[u + v]}, {x, 8}, {u, 0.5}, {v, 1}]\)], "Input"],

    \(NSolve[{x == 5 + 4  Cos[u], x == 13 - 12  Cos[v], 
        x == 10 - 6  Cos[u + v]}, {x, u, v}]\)], "Input"]
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