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Re: Mathematica programming language

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg20163] Re: Mathematica programming language
  • From: gaylord at (richard j. gaylord)
  • Date: Sun, 3 Oct 1999 21:07:34 -0400
  • Organization: university of illinois
  • References: <7suulg$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

i will be giving a one day [8:30am - 5pm] tutorial on mathematica
programming at ucla on saturday october 30. you are welcome to attend [as
is anyone]. there is no charge.  there will be a note set on the
mathematica programming language handed out at the tutorial. 
after attending the tutorial you might be better able to determine your
needs in regards to a text on mathematica programming (i like dave
wagner's book myself) and i can talk to you about it at or after the

-richard gaylord-

In article <7suulg$1sr at>, Shige Song <sgsong at> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am a new user of Mathematica, I just bought the student version
> version 4.0. At first glance, the programing language is very different
> from all the other language I know. I program in VB and Delphi, a little
> bit in C, I also do some programming statistical packages like SAS and
> Stata; but the Mathematica's syntax (and the philosophy) seems to be
> totally different.
> Can anybody suggest some readings about programming in Mathematica from
> a perspective of more traditional language, like those I listed above?
> Does anybody want to share his experience (and feeling) of learning to
> program in Mathematica?
> Thank you very much.
> Best,
> Shige Song
> Department of Sociology, UCLA
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