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Save as HTML

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg20218] Save as HTML
  • From: siposg at (SiposG)
  • Date: Wed, 6 Oct 1999 21:06:34 -0400
  • Organization: AOL
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

I am using Mathematica 4 on Win98 and having a nightmare of a time saving as
HTML.   It seems that whenever the equations are saved, they get wrapped at
some ridiculously low width.  I contacted tech support and they had me
change Formatting Options-Expression Formatting-Linebreaking Options to
"False" so there is no more wrapping.  Unfortunately, now the gif images of
my equations just simply get cut off where they previously wrapped.  Has
anyone found a workaround for this problem?

Mathematica also seems to have a lot of other pain with HTML save - like
saving the script E as a strange scrambled image, the graphs of functions
being saved in a poor quality, etc.  Has anyone else experienced similar
problems?  Maybe I am just doing something fundamentally incorrectly.
George Sipos

ps: My h-bar's are showing up in the browsers as ℏ  This in
particular is probably a problem with my browser rather than with
Mathematica. (I tried to review the pages with both Netscape and IE with the
same results.)  Can I force Mathematica to save some of the characters as
gif's instead of using the HTML code for them?

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