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Re: Questions on Plotting A Graph

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg20363] Re: [mg20326] Questions on Plotting A Graph
  • From: BobHanlon at
  • Date: Sun, 17 Oct 1999 02:45:38 -0400
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


Plot[Sqrt[x - 1], {x, 1, 5}, PlotRange -> {{0, 5}, Automatic}, 
    PlotStyle -> RGBColor[1, 0, 0]];

Plot[Floor[x] - Abs[x], {x, -2.5, 2.5}, PlotRange -> {Automatic, {-5.5, 1}}, 
    PlotStyle -> RGBColor[1, 0, 0]];

Note that y is only restricted to the Interval[{-1, 0}] if x is nonnegative.

Bob Hanlon

In a message dated 10/16/1999 1:48:02 AM, martingomez at writes:

>One. How do I plot a graph of a function involving square roots such that
>the resulting graph would only yield a graph true to the set of real numbers
>and not consider complex and imaginary numbers? Take this case for example...
>for f(x) = Sqrt[x-1]. Given that x should be greater than or equal to 1,
>such that the result would be a real number. (ie. The resulting graph would
>only be the upper bisection of a parabola opening to the right given that
>V(1,0) showing only the part at the first quadrant on the Cartesian plane)
>Two. How do I plot the graph of a greatest integer function (e.g. floor)?
>Given for example, that y = [[x]] - |x| (please note that I used a double
>bracket to indicate floor) and solving for the domain and range would yield,
>all elements of the set of real numbers and {-1 less than y less than or
>equal to 0} union something, respectively?

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