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  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg20437] graphics
  • From: leffler at (Amos Leffler)
  • Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 00:33:16 -0400
  • Organization: Philadelphia's Complete Internet Provider
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

I am using mathematica v4 and am having trouble in making a complex
graphics output.  Some of the packages such as Graphics`Graphics`,
Graphics`MultipleListPlot`, and Graphuics`Legend` dont seem to work
together.  Also if I use some commands in a single package they seem to
interact with each other.
	For example if I use the "Frame" command after having used
"Ticks->{Automatic,LogScale}" the LogScale disappears and I am left with
the original Log values on the ordinate.
	I find that if I use "MultipleListPlot" to put the experimental
points ona plot and then add the fitted lines plus others I cannot use the
labeling commands to label all of the lines.
	Finally the primitve graphics commands are very much limited in
that you cant locate them where you want in the plot but only together.
	I am hopeful that others have found the same problems and know of
workarounds.  Thanks.
						Amos Leffler

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