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Combinatorica questions!!!

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg20499] Combinatorica questions!!!
  • From: "Keren Edwards" <kedwards at>
  • Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 02:04:59 -0400
  • Organization: NetVision Israel
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Hi all!!

2 different questions:

1.    how many ways does a castle have to reach from the bottom left side
       of a chess board to the upper right corner of the board if he can
move right
       and up only?

2.     you have 8 red identical balls, 9 purple identical balls and 7 white
identical ones.
        a.  How many ways can you choose 10 balls with no matter to the
order of the balls?
        b.  How many ways can you choose 10 balls with no matter to the
order of the balls, if each color must
              be chosen once at least?

Many thanx.

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