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Re: Re: Greek symbols in AxesLabel and PlotLabel

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg22878] Re: [mg22874] Re: Greek symbols in AxesLabel and PlotLabel
  • From: Bojan Bistrovic <bojanb at>
  • Date: Mon, 3 Apr 2000 00:04:08 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

> All of the examples work under graphics FrontEnd:
> Plot[Sin[x], {x, -Pi, Pi}, AxesLabel -> {\[Phi], \[Psi][\[Phi]]},
>   Axes -> True]
> Plot[Sin[x], {x, 0, 7},
>   PlotLabel -> "\[Alpha]",
>   AxesLabel -> {"\[Beta]", "\[Chi]"}
>   ]
> Plot[{42 - q, 2 q}, {q, 0, 30}, AxesLabel -> {"\[Alpha]", "\[Mu]"},
>   PlotLabel -> "\[CapitalSigma]\[Lambda]\[Lambda]\[Alpha]"]
> But what to do if someone wants to work with Mathematica under text frontend.
> I noticed that motifps program doesn't show the above pictures in a proper
> way.
> Greetings,
> RP
Interestnig observation. It looks like the problem isn't in motifps; this
shouldn't call motifps at all:

In[1]:= test=Plot[Sin[x], {x, -Pi, Pi}, AxesLabel -> {\[Phi],
y[\[Phi]]},Axes -> True,DisplayFunction->Identity]

Out[1]= -Graphics-

In[2]:= Display["testplot.eps",test,"EPS"]

Out[2]= -Graphics-

In FrontEnd $DisplayFunction is defined as   Display[$Display,#]&   where  
$Display  has the value "stdout". In the textual frontend it is:

Module[{System`Private`file = OpenTemporary[]},
    Display[{$Display, System`Private`file}, #1];
     System`Private`file = Close[System`Private`file];
      $DisplayTitle]; #1] &

Now, Display[{$Display, System`Private`file}, #1] cnoverts it to the
postscript and saves to a temporary file and then
System`Private`$DisplayLinkCommands calls motifps on it. The problem is
obviously in Display function which isn't converting special symbols like
\[Phi] to specific font and specific encoding. Mathematica's online help says
that $CharacterEncoding=None  should cause this behavior; one would conclude
that any other choice wouldn't. However, with something like

Display["",test,"EPS",CharacterEncoding -> "ISOLatin1"]


Display["",test,"EPS",CharacterEncoding -> "ASCII"]

I still get the same results (under textual interface). If you examine the
file, you can see that special symbol is treating as the sequence of
characters in it's "real" name. The only choice that chnges this is:

Display["",test,"EPS",CharacterEncoding -> "Symbol"]

This one give the proper encoding but one still has to change the font in the
Postscrips file "/Courier findfont" to "/Symbol findfont" to get the proper
output. Since this definition happens only once, one gets the proper greek
fonts but none else. Perhaps someone from WRI could explain why and/or how
this happens?

Bye, Bojan

Bojan Bistrovic,                                      bojanb at
Old Dominion University, Norfolk VA & Jefferson Lab, Newport News, VA

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