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Re: Counting the total number of available Mathematica commands ?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg22882] Re: Counting the total number of available Mathematica commands ?
  • From: Jens-Peer Kuska <kuska at>
  • Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2000 01:25:21 -0400 (EDT)
  • Organization: Universitaet Leipzig
  • References: <8c69iv$> <8c87nq$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


the problem is that Names["*"] generate a list of all Mathematica
and not of all Mathematica commands. And $TopDirectory is *not* a
command and
ViewPoint will do nothing.

But global symbols have usual a associated value, functions typical not.
So probably

nlist = Names["*"];
optandfun=First /@ Select[{#, ToExpression[#]} & /@ nlist, First[#] ==
ToString[Last[#]] &]

gives the list of functions and *options*.
To remove at least the options acciciated with the funtions  we can

onlyopt = 
    ToString /@ 
        Flatten[Options[ToExpression[#]] & /@ optandfun] /. {Rule[a_,
b_] :> a,
         Verbatim[RuleDelayed][a_, b_] :> a};


Complement[optanfun, onlyopt]

This helps nothing for options FontFace like 
TextStyle->{FontFace->"Times"} and nothing for symbols
like Integers, Reals or Complexes that are not options
and not function definitions.

More ideas to find the *functions only* are welcome.

But I think it is impossible due to the read protection of
the build in symbols.


Allan Hayes wrote:
> Chris
> Possibly
> Names["*"]
> Allan
> ---------------------
> Allan Hayes

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