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Re: Mathematica TeX files

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg23146] Re: Mathematica TeX files
  • From: "Atul Sharma" <atulksharma at>
  • Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2000 03:21:08 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <8djltr$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


I installed version 1.20e without any difficulty under Windows 95. My
installation notes, for what they're worth, are attached. This is the
standard MikTeX 1.20e installation, plus the  shell program TeXShell. Since
YAP can't translate the Mathematica fonts, I configured TeXShell to convert
the .dvi file to postscript by calling dvips, and viewed the results with
Ghostscript/Ghostview. The latter was the only non-standard feature to the
installation. If you prefer not to use the shell, you can call dvips from a
command line, but make sure it knows the location of the fonts (the two
dvips configuration files are modified as in the notes).  Hope this helps.

I confess though, never having used TeX before, that I found this entire
process unsatisfying. If you use a lot of superscripts and subscripts or
other Box Structures not covered by the .sty files, there is a lot of 'hand
tweaking' of the TeX output.  I've since found it much easier to output
figures and equations as eps, directly into postscript or pdf documents
using Adobe Acrobat Distiller. If this is sufficient, it is a one step
procedure and even allows you to embed the Mathematica fonts.

A. Sharma

Atul Sharma MD, FRCP(C)
Pediatric Nephrologist,
McGill University/Montreal Children's Hospital

Installation Notes:

Instead of installing to root of c:, I put the 'local tree' in d:\ (All
paths in personal configuration file d: /latex/miktex.ini changed to reflect
this ).

Installed MikTeX in d:\texmf
Installed local tree for additional fonts, styles in d:\localtexmf
Installed latex in d:\latex

Then, I installed the TeXShell in d:\latex \texshell

Added Mathematica folder containing docs, dvips, fonts, tex to the
  D:\localtexmf\tex\latex\wolfram is the wri style sheets wrisym.sty and
notebook2e.sty (notebook.sty if plan to set TeXVersion->LaTeX in TeXSave
options. To ..latex folder, also added program folder = maple style sheets
and lib folder = epsf.sty and epsf.tex from linux distribution.
  D:\localtexmf\tex\docs contains Jen's msymdoc.tex manual
  D:\localtexmf\tex\fonts contains type 1 true type font folders (tfm and vf
folders). Normally, YAP (dvi viewer) generates pk fonts, but not true for vf
= virtual fonts like the Mathematica fonts. Consequently, can't view with YAP, but
must convert to postscript with dvips. Other systems and TeXAide output LaTeX2e
which can be viewed in dvi format by YAP.

D:\localtexmf\tex\dvips contains init folder with = specifies
font names and corresponding type 1 fonts is fontmap that relates TeX font name to actual font (pfb).
Placed in \localtexmf\dvips\init. Add p+ to in
D:\latex (specifies use of Mathematica fonts for dvips for latex only)

Modified PSPath in D: \latex\miktex.ini
;; Where Dvips searches for header files.

Global configurations are in in D:\texmf\dvips\config and
miktex.ini in D:\tex\texmf\miktex\config (no need to change if specified in
latex configuration, unless using pdftex or tex or tetex)

Updated filename database by running initexmf --update-fndb d:\texmf
Update postscript resource database by running initexmf -mkpsres

Or just run alias Refresh filename database in C:\WINDOWS\Start

Added to autoexec.bat the following paths
set PATH=%PATH%;d:\texmf\miktex\bin;D:\tex\localtexmf\tex\latex\wolfram;

In DOS mode (from DOS box):
  latex filename.tex  -> .dvi file (view with YAP if no Mathematica fonts used)
  dvips -o filename.dvi (convert dvi to postscript if Mathematica fonts

Installed TeXShell, and made it the default reader for .tex files. Located

Added dvips and Ghostview to menu and buttons by adding

[External Programs]
DviPs=dvips "%P%F.dvi"
Ghostview=C:\Applets\gstools\gsview\gsview32.exe ""

The Buttons section will add two more buttons to the speed bar. The External
Program section will add DviPs and Ghostview to your TeX menu.

Save=<save>$Save Active Document$
TeX=<texmain>$TeX Main File$
Log=<showlog>$Show Log file$
Preview=<previewmain>$Preview Main File$
DviPs=dvips "%P%F.dvi"
Ghostview=C:\Applets\gstools\gsview\gsview32.exe  ""

To use, set tex file of choice to mainfile (file menu). Then run TeX. Then
run Preview for YAP or DviPS and GhostView for postscript. All intermediate
files (.dvi, .log, .ps etc) take on name of mainfile.tex.

Assign tex suffix to d:\texshell\texshell.exe in View:FolderOptions

email: atulksharma at
Chris Deacon wrote in message <8djltr$7s5 at>...
>I have followed the directions on Wolfram's support pages for
>configuring MikTeX to read Mathematica generated TeX files. The
>problem is that dvips complains that it cannot find, make or read the
>required fonts, even though they are in the directory that I specified
>in the file!
>Am I missing something? Is there a workaround? I am using MikTex 1.20e
>(the directions are for 1.20a)
>Chris Deacon

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