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Help! Mathematica on my 500MHz outperforms my GHz machine!

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg21616] Help! Mathematica on my 500MHz outperforms my GHz machine!
  • From: terryis at
  • Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2000 02:35:07 -0500 (EST)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


I just took delivery of a 1GHz machine which I
bought expressly for the purpose of running
Mathematica. After installation and setup I ran
a couple of simulations only to discover that it's
performing at about the same level as my 500MHz
Pentium III!! Can anyone explain to me why this is
the case?

Additional configuration information:

Pentium III vs. AMD Athlon (K7 overclocked)
500MHz vs. 1000MHz
128MB RAM vs. 128MB RAM
100MHz Front Side Bus vs. 200MHz system interface
bus based on the Alpha EV6 bus protocol

Windows98 vs. Windows NT 4

Both running the same version of Mathematica
(, the same simulation (90% of which
is simple floating point calculations), both
dedicated only to running Mathematica at the time
of testing. Disk speed is irrelevant as the
simulation completes without writing to disk. Swap
space doesn't seem to be the issue.

I don't have the exact clock speed of the AMD
processor but I would imagine it's at least 600MHz
which in my mind means that it should be faster
even without over-clocking to 1GHz but it isn't!

Simple tests of floating point speed (with for
example a QBASIC program) and other processes
perform as expected so it would appear that
Mathematica is doing something different on the
AMD machine then on the Pentium, but what?

I've already gone to Wolfram Tech Support. They
suggested I post here.

Any and all help will be appreciated.

Please reply to tchung at as I do not
regularly read this newsgroup.

Thanks in advance!

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