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How to add colors to an illuminated surface?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg24225] How to add colors to an illuminated surface?
  • From: Bill Marks <bmarks at>
  • Date: Sat, 1 Jul 2000 03:21:56 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

The command
ListPlot3D[surface, LightSources-> ls, ViewPoint -> vp]
  produces a surface illuminated by the light sources supplied, 
whereas the command

ListPlot3D[surface, addedShades , LightSources-> ls, ViewPoint -> vp]
ignores the LightSources  option when I use it.

Since I want to add some surface colors, surfaceShades, to those 
determined by the illumination, I wrote my own illumination program, 
which returns illumShades.
I then add my surface colors to them and use
ListPlot3D[surface, illumShades + surfaceShades]

This works but is slower than the built-in illumination routines.

One solution would be a function that returns the actual  shades used 
in ListPlot3D:
illumShades = MMAFunc[surface,  LightSources-> ls, ViewPoint -> vp],
which I would then modify.

Is there a way to get the shades computed by ListPlot3D?

Bill Marks

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