RE: The Csc problem
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg24344] RE: The Csc problem
- From: Wolf Hartmut <hwolf at>
- Date: Sun, 9 Jul 2000 04:52:49 -0400 (EDT)
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
> -----Original Message----- > From: David Bailey [SMTP:david.bailey at] To: mathgroup at > Sent: Friday, July 07, 2000 1:56 PM > To: Wolf Hartmut > Cc: Andrzej Kozlowski > Subject: The Csc problem > > Dear Wolf, > > The attached notebook contains a few comments on the Csc/Sec problem. > > David Bailey > > I copy your notebook here Although it is a matter of taste I suppose, I am not too keen on using Format in the way that you suggest. If you are in the habit of typing into an output cell (thereby creating a new input cell containing the same information), or indeed just cutting and pasting, HoldForm gets in the way. Unprotect[Csc, Sec]; Format[Csc[x_]] := HoldForm[1/Sin[x]]; Format[Sec[x_]] := HoldForm[1/Cos[x]]; Protect[Csc, Sec]; Here we see a trivial calculation carried forward to the next cell with predictable results. Csc[x] 1 ------ Sin[x] 1 ------ /. x -> 0.2 Sin[x] 1 -------- Sin[0.2] Furthermore, the output that you get using Format in this way can be a bit wierd! 1 + Csc[x]^2 1 2 1 + (------) Sin[x] I like using private names for functions that I do not want Mathematica to 'simplify' in unfortunate ways. It gives you such control. For example, you can manipulate hypergeometric functions that Mathematica might simplify to more elemetary functions. It is easy to use a set transformation rules stored in a variable to get exactly the effects that you need: Kill the kernel here! mydisplay = {Csc[x_] -> 1/sin[x], Sec[x_] -> 1/cos[x]} {Csc[x_] -> 1/sin[x], Sec[x_] -> 1/cos[x]} 1 + Csc[x]^2 /. mydisplay \!\(1 + 1\/sin[x]\^2\) > > [Hartmut Wolf] Dear David, thank you very much for your labour. I fully understand your reasoning. There seems to be no generally satisfying solution for problems of this kind. As you said, taste (and the demands of the very application) come in, you don't like this, I don't like that. The problem is that we don't like some of the built-in rules, however certainly need others (viz. most of them) for calculus. I know of no way to eliminate part of the built-in rules, esp. for instance if one wants to replace Csc by 1/Sin *sometimes*. An idea I had used prior on a similar theme was this: use new names for the functions, enter an environment (e.g. Block) where you have your special rules defined, expose the expression to the local environment, leave the environment and then convert back to form you like. See this example for treating the spherical Bessel functions sbjEvaluator[expr_] := Expand[PowerExpand[ Block[{sbj}, sbj[n_, z_] := Sqrt[Pi/(2*z)]*BesselJ[n + 1/2, z]; expr ] /. {BesselJ[n_, z_] :> Sqrt[2*z/Pi]*sbj[n, z]} ]] sbjEvaluator[D[sbj[j, r], r]] 1/2*sbj[-(1/2) + j, r] - sbj[1/2 + j, r]/(2*r) - 1/2*sbj[3/2 + j, r] We can use this kludge also for the trigonometrical functions In[1]:= trigEvaluator[expr_] := Block[{sin = Sin, cos = Cos, sec = Sec, csc = Csc, tan = Tan, cot = Cot}, expr] /. {Cos -> cos, Sin -> sin, Sec[x_] :> 1/cos[x], Csc[x_] :> 1/sin[x], Tan -> tan, Cot -> cot} In[2]:= 1 + csc[x]^2 // trigEvaluator Out[2]= \!\(1 + 1\/sin[x]\^2\) In[3]:= D[tan[x], x] // trigEvaluator Out[3]= \!\(1\/cos[x]\^2\) In[4]:= D[cot[x], {x, 2}] // trigEvaluator Out[4]= \!\(\(2\ cot[x]\)\/sin[x]\^2\) In[5]:= sin[x]/cos[x] // trigEvaluator Out[5]= tan[x] Perhaps this also could serve your purposes. Of course we have In[7]:= 1/sin[x] /. x -> 0.2 Out[7]= \!\(1\/sin[0.2`]\) but In[8]:= 1/sin[x] /. x -> 0.2 // trigEvaluator Out[8]= 5.03349 However with regard to your special example I can improve the Format method Unprotect[Csc, Sec, Power]; Format[Csc[x_]] := HoldForm[1/Sin[x]]; Format[Power[Csc[x_], n_]] := HoldForm[1/Sin[x]^n]; Format[Sec[x_]] := HoldForm[1/Cos[x]]; Format[Power[Sec[x_], n_]] := HoldForm[1/Cos[x]^n]; Protect[Csc, Sec, Power]; so you'll have what you want 1 + Csc[x]^2 // OutputForm 1 1 + ------- 2 Sin[x] (This has no serious repercussions on Power, since Format definition are effectively UpValues) Finally I would like to show your my reply to Andrzej Kozlowski's objection -----Original Message----- From: Andrzej Kozlowski [SMTP:andrzej at] To: mathgroup at Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2000 11:25 AM To: Wolf Hartmut; mathgroup at; 'David Bailey'; 'zhl67 at' Subject: Re: [mg24261] Re: [mg24248] 1/Trig function - help Dear Hartmut I noticed this too, after posting my first message. I considered sending a second one just to point this out but than I noticed that using HoldForm in this way may be a problem if one wanted to hold something else and then apply ReleaseHold globally. All your Held expressions would then evaluate. But of course this is a pretty unlikely situation, so this may well be the best general solution. Best regards Andrzej [Hartmut Wolf] Dear Andrzej, I don't think this will be a problem at all, because when after ReleaseHold expressions Sec, Csc show up they will be immediately transformed back again to HoldForm[1/Sin[..]]. See e.g. In[43]:= a := (Print["a evaluated"]; 1) In[44]:= D[Tan[x], x] Hold[a Sin[x]] // OutputForm Out[44]//OutputForm= 1 2 Hold[a Sin[x]] (------) Cos[x] In[45]:= % // ReleaseHold // OutputForm >From In[45]:= "a evaluated" Out[45]//OutputForm= 1 ------ Tan[x] Cos[x] In[46]:= 1/Sin[y] // OutputForm Out[46]//OutputForm= 1 ------ Sin[y] In[47]:= ReleaseHold[%] // OutputForm Out[47]//OutputForm= 1 ------ Sin[y] Kind regards to everyone, Hartmut Wolf