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Re: List of patterns for which a function is defined?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg24406] Re: [mg24378] List of patterns for which a function is defined?
  • From: "Johannes Ludsteck" <ludsteck at>
  • Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 00:58:06 -0400 (EDT)
  • Organization: Zentr. f. Europ. Wirtschaftsforsch
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

DownValues[] together with Map gives you the desired information:

In[1]:=	a[1] = 4; a[2] = 5; a["cat"] = "sam";

In[2]:=		dv = DownValues[a]
			{HoldPattern[a[1]] :> 4, HoldPattern[a[2]] :> 5, 
  			HoldPattern[a["cat"]] :> "sam"}

Now you are in the position to access the keys:

In[3]:=		Map[#[[1, 1]] &, dv]
Out[3]=	{4, 5, "sam"}

The function which does the whole job is a one-liner:
In[4]:= 		ListOfPatternsDefined[p_] :=
				Map[#[[1, 1]] &, DownValues[p]]

Best regards,
	Johannes Ludsteck

Roger Wilson wrote:
I have a function b which I define explicitly for a set of input values.

a[1]=4; a[2]=5; a["cat"]="sam";

If I type ??a I get the usual listing of the definition of a but how do I
get a list of the values or patterns for which a is defined?


In python this would be a.keys() but in Mathematica I'm stuck?

Any ideas?


Johannes Ludsteck
Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW)
Department of Labour Economics,
Human Resources and Social Policy
Phone (+49)(0)621/1235-157
Fax (+49)(0)621/1235-225

P.O.Box 103443
D-68034 Mannheim

Email: ludsteck at

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