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Local Kernel Input

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg24474] Local Kernel Input
  • From: Adalbert Hanssen <hanssen at>
  • Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2000 01:21:50 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Hi, MathGroup,

In Mathematica for WinNT, using InputString, one can program 
dialog with the user, e.g. ask to enter a number or a filename
or anything else. InputString opens a box called "Local 
Kernel Input". The windows-properties of this box are nasty:
It does not have an entry on the task bar and it can easily get 
lost behind other windows, e.g. open Mathematica-Notebooks. 

I would prefer it, if this box would be always in the forground 
of any open Mathematica notebook, but it might go behind any 
other non-Mathematica window, if that has the windows focus. 

If this would be the case, one would only give the focus 
to the Mathematica session, and immediately the Local Kernel 
Input box would be on top of all open notebooks 
(if it was on screen, before one left off to another windows 

Any idea, how to achieve this?

kind regards

Dipl.-Math. Adalbert Hanszen

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